Seven: Back to School

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Simon met Sara at Cyrah's home and they biked together to school. They rode silently, each lost in their own thoughts.

Simon was insanely worried about going back. How fast would news spread? What if someone found out that Wille was at his place yesterday?

He also didn't want to have to explain his situation again to dozens of people. Homework was also a worry. He would probably have to make up a week's worth of work.

His legs pushed down on the pedals, biking forwards. The wheels were slightly muddy from biking on the wet grass beforehand. He loosened his breaks to speed down the hill. The wind rushed in his face and chilled his body.

The view of Hillerska floated into his eyesight. The white and old brick building loomed threateningly in front of him.

He and Sara parked their bikes and locked them on the rack. The only two bikes that were ever there.

"Are you nervous?" Simon asked Sara, rubbing his palms together.

"Not really, I have nothing to be nervous about." She adjusted her jacket and zipped it up, proceeding to walk.

Simon sighed. "Yeah, well I do have things to be nervous about." Such as his whole prince issue that was still big news for some reason to everyone else.

"Sucks for you." Sara shrugged.

Frowning, Simon stuck his hands in his pockets and walked up to the school behind Sara.

"Hey! Sara, Simon! You're back!" Felice stood at the base of a tree, with a few more of her friends. Her eyes flickered to Simon for a second before looking back to Sara.

"Hi Felice," She waved to her friends and jogged over to talk to them.

Felice waved back, rewrapping her scarf around her neck. "Where have you two been?"

"I'll tell you later, it's a really long story."

"Oh, okay. I'm glad you're back though, I thought maybe the queen might've, y'know." She gestured her head towards Simon.

"What? Got rid of me?" He shot at her.

"Sorry, just a thought. I'm glad you two are still here." She looked nervous.

Simon didn't reply, just walked up to the building. He checked his watch, he had a few minutes to make it to class. So he took his time, opting to walk around outside with the fresh air.

It was clean and refreshing to walk in the January weather, although his ears and nose began to turn red. The remaining snow from the night before crunched under his worn shoes. He could see his breath in the air, foggy and translucent.

His eyes were trained on his feet, watching them and carefully avoiding puddles of melted snow and mud.

When he passed the frozen lake, he watched it wistfully, remembering the rowing practices with Wille. They always ended in laughter, on the warmer days when they could actually touch the water. But he was taken off the team. Without a choice.

Simon finally made it to the outer door of the classroom, he carefully opened it and stepped inside. Heat rushed back at him and warmed his frozen fingers. He wiped his wet shoes on the small rug and sat down at his desk.

Simon could most definitely feel Wilhelm's eyes trained on his back the entire time.

He took off his coat and placed it on top of his bag, taking out the notes needed for this class.

Sara slid into the seat next to him a few minutes later and put her bag away. "Your face is really red, were you walking outside?"

Simon nodded. "Yeah, it's too stuffy in here. Outside was better."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2021 ⏰

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