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She was going up stairs with shoes in her hand, walking on tiptoes.
When she reached the bottom of the stairs, the light turned on;
_Haha yes love😅

She turned and put a lock of her hair behind her ear and smiled,
_what time is it now?
_I don't know, dear dad, it's still early
_It's still early for the thief, it's 2 am you naughty

She lowered her head and made her face sad like a child
_I'm not an idiot Sarah, your behavior are so annoying
_From tomorrow you'll be working with me, I've been so condoning of your actions, you're 26 years old and you act like you're 10
_Shut up, I've forgiven you so much and it's time for you to work for your future

He finished his words and then went and let her hit the ground with her feet.
She went up to her room, lay on her bed and fell asleep in her evening clothes.
_omg wtf is this!!!??
She got up terrified feeling something on her face
_Mama Souad!! Why did you do this to me? water in the morning😡
_Honey, your dad obliged me to do this.
_Oh my God, seriously? what time is it now?
_It's 7 am..
_whaaaat ??

She was still talking and suddenly heard her father's voice screaming to get up, so she got up, went to wash and change her clothes, then put a little make-up, combed her hair and then went down to eat.
She sat at the dining table opposite her father and her stepmom next to her
_Sarah, I'll let you finish eating with your mom because I'm going to the company now, And you follow me when you finish eating.
_Okay Dad

He went out and she finished eating..
_Today is a special day, because my beautiful daughter is coming today
_And do you want me to be happy or what?
_Speak to me with respect, didn't your mother raise you 😡

Sarah felt very angry and approached her stepmother
_Listen to me, you're the last person to talk about education, do you understand me?
My mother raised me and raises ten people like you..Don't tempt me, And don't forget who you are.

Then she ran out of the house and got into her car, then put her head on the window, and her tears fell profusely.
After that, she put on her sunglasses and went to the company.

in another place

Sleeping in his room, he woke up and his head would explode from pain, he put his hand on his head and turned to find a girl sleeping next to him;
_What is this girl doing here?

He started waking her up,
_hey sister, get up

_your sister ?
_What did you want me to say? I respected you, I should have called you by another name
_Really? You took what you wanted from me and then you wanna leave me like this?

He pulled money out of his pants and threw them at her and said:
_I don't care about you.. first of all you did this by your own free will, second thing is that you are a bi*ch who sleeps with a lot of males for the money so take this and get the hell out of here before i kill you
_Don't raise your damn voice to me and find out what you're getting out of your damn mouth.. get out now.

The girl immediately got dressed and walked out. As for him, he kept his eyes closed, supporting his head back, remembering the things that made him change, all his behavior become very bad.
He opened his eyes and puffed, then went downstairs, drank a coffee to recuperate, and then he went to work.

Sarah is a 26-year-old orphaned girl. Her father's name is Anwar Salvatore, and He is very well-known. He can buy all of Tunisia.
Anyway, Sarah studied business administration. Her hair was long and black, so she decided to change it, so she cut it and dyed it gray, which made her look even more beautiful, Her skin is white, Her eyes are big and blue as the color of the sky, Her mouth is small and pink, her body is beautiful and she is neither tall nor short,
Her personality is fun and everyone loves Her.

Adam is 28 years old, His eyes were a light shade of grey that almost matched with the white in his eyes, His brown skin was beautiful, especially the tattoos which made him look so much prettier, His hair is soft and black, And as for his body, he was muscular, His shoulders are broad, and He has a light beard that made him more beautiful.
Despite his young age, he has many competitors.
He also has branches in Canada, Italy and France.
When He gets angry, he becomes heartless, but in fact He is affectionate and cheerful.

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