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She was driving her car very fast because of her anger
she stopped in front of a beach that not many visitors came to.
She sat upon a rock and sighed heavily, and then wept loudly, clasping her legs to her chest like a little child strayed from his parents, and wept even more forcefully;
-i missed u so much mom, I am so tired after your death, I feel so lonely without you, no one can compensate me for your tenderness, Because everyone is selfish, even the people I loved betrayed me just like---

Her phone is ringing;
-where are you sara?
-I.. I'm coming dad, there's a traffic jam so I couldn't come quickly
-Okay, but what happened to your voice? Are you okay? Did you fight with your mom?

She smiled and then laughed so he
didn't know what happened
-No don't worry dad nothing happened.

She turned off her phone and went back to her car, adjusted her makeup and then headed to the company, because it was late.


-Dad, I'm not a child.
-No, you are a child because every day you sleep with a girl, and every day you came home drunk
-Well, father of the little boy, what is required of me now?😃
-Return to Tunisia
-Haha, you're kidding dad, aren't you?😒
He yelled:
-No, I'm not kidding, my son.

He hit the chair hard..
-Dad, We both know, if I return to Tunisia, a catastrophe will happen.. and you know who will be destroyed if I return.😠
-Your other branches are all big, except your branch in Tunisia, which is the main branch, and for two years now you have not cared for it
-Dad, don't forget that you are the reason for this
-True, but like I said, two years have passed since everything is over
-Ok, dad, I'll go tomorrow, do you want anything else?😡

He went out and closed the door hard..
Then He returned to his house to prepare his travel bag.

She opened the door, went up to her room, and before she entered she heard a sound of laughter
_so she's here😏 i hate you..

She grabbed her hand tightly, entered her room, and fell asleep.

At 7PM, She got up, went down to the breakfast room and sat at the dinner table in front of her stepmother and her daughter.
-hey Sarah! you didn't welcome me
-Without kisses?😗
-shut up and don't act like u're my sister because u're not and you'll never be my sister
-Hmmm dad did you hear how Sarah talked to me😢

When Sarah heard her saying "dad" she felt very jealous, but she didn't want to show it to them, so she smiled a fake smile full of oppression.
-Why are you talking to your sister like that, Sarah you have to respect her?

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