Retracing Footsteps

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A/N okay so umm... yeah :D new fanfic. yay! I've never done something like this before so I guess I'm just trying it out. I feel like a trigger warning is necessary so uh TRIGGER WARNING: they are exploring the mental institution Alice was in during her human years. I'm not sure if that was clear from the text and I'm too lazy to change it now soo you know :D Again, I'm not sure if the TW was necessary but better safe than sorry so please don't get butthurt about it. Thank you and enjoy :)

disclaimer: I obviously don't own any of these characters, nor do I claim to, this is a FANFICTION! thank you <3

Alice gently pushed the old wrought iron gate, it was pitifully rusted, and the hinges wouldn't stand much force. As she began walking up the old cobblestone path, she shuddered, the place was eerie, disturbing. Jasper made his way towards her, careful not to be loud. It felt wrong to be loud in a place so strangely still. Alice suddenly stopped walking, and closed her eyes, taking a long deep breath. she didn't like this place, already wanting to go home, for home was the only place she felt truly safe.

Jasper reached out to her, lightly touching her back. It startled her, making her jump. 'I'm sorry love' he said quietly, almost a whisper, concern was clear in his eyes, he hated to see his usually happy wife so distressed. 'I don't like this place, it's putting me on edge, I don't remember... but...' she trailed off, wrapping her arms around herself. 'I know' he replied, 'We don't have to go any further, we don't have to go inside.' She looked to the ground, contemplating. 'I hoped, just seeing the place, I might remember, even just a little... but there's nothing.' She sighed in defeat. Jasper wrapped an arm around her fine shoulders, rubbing circles on her arm with his thumb. He towered over her, and the top of her head reached only to his chest. She sighed again, and whispered, 'I want to go in.'

So they walked, hand in hand to the rotted wooden door. It almost crumbled down when Jasper touched it, and carefully pushed it open, revealing the main entrance hall. They stood in the doorway for a short while, Jasper analysing every small change in emotion from Alice, he was so in tune with her, it was easiest with the people he knew best. He stepped in first, broken glass and plaster crunching below his feet. The sound made Alice jump, and he started to wonder whether this really, was a good idea.

'Come' he said gently, holding his hand out to her. She swallowed unnecessarily and took his hand. At the end of the entrance hall was a large archway, leading to the main corridor, and basement. They walked together, exploring room after room. There were old needles, chains, gags, and any other of the most barbaric equipment you could imagine. He could feel her getting more worked up by the second, but he bit his tongue, knowing she wanted to continue.

Alice gripped his hand so tight to the point of pain, he squeezed back. He hated this, hated the emotion coming from her, but he knew it had to be done, it would give her peace of mind, if nothing else. The place had a terribly sinister feeling. You could almost sense the horrors that had happened in its very walls. The air was dusty and clammy, it made it hard to breathe, even when breathing was unnecessary.

'I hate it here' Alice whispered, 'I don't recognise anything, but it feels familiar. I feel like I'm being watched... I can't explain it.' She bit her lip, Jasper noticed her hand was shaking, and her voice trembled. She'd had enough, though she didn't want to admit it. 'I think we should leave' He spoke quietly, rubbing small circles on the back of her hand. She just nodded in response.

As they were leaving, Alice stopped dead in her tracks, an intense feeling of fear had suddenly washed over her, and she was struggling to regulate her unnecessary breaths. 'come on darling, it's okay, we're leaving.' He pulled her gently onwards. She gritted her teeth and followed, stiff with fear. She may not remember the place, but her subconscious did, and it was fueling her anxiety.

Finally, they made it to the exit and to the car, Jasper felt as though he could finally breathe for the first time since entering the ghastly building. It felt nice to breathe clean, fresh air. Alice was the other hand, was shaking pitifully, and breathing short and shallow. Tears were streaming down her face, and she looked about ready to faint. 'Alice... ' Jasper said softly, taking in her appearance with a slightly worried expression. he brought his hand to her face and gently wiped away the tears. ' it's okay Baby, we're going home.'

Her lips curved upwards in the slightest at the mention of home. Her comfort. She leaned into his hand, and pressed her body against his chest. He took this as his sign, and wrapped his arms around her small body, supporting her entire weight as she melted into him. He could easily manipulate her emotions, but she hated him doing that, the fact that what she was feeling was a lie, and besides, he knew she needed to feel this, she needed to gather her own thoughts in order to move on.

'I hate it, I hate it so much' she sobbed quietly into his chest. 'I know Baby, but it's over now.' he whispered into her ear as he ran his fingers through her hair. 'We never have to come back. Never.'

They stood like that, beside Alices' car, for almost thirty minutes. no one could calm her as Jasper could. He was her salvation, he was what kept her pushing through it all. 'Are you ready?' he asked gently 'yeah' she replied, 'I think so'.  She would need a while to return to her usual self... and he would be there for her through it all. Always.

A/N hi again! I just wanted to say thank you for reading this far and please please tell me how it was because I'm not sure if I've completely embarrassed myself or not lamooo... I cringed so hard writing this :D sooo yeah Thank you and I hope you have an amazing day! <3

Jasper x Alice Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें