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A/N well I'm not really sure how I feel about this one , but all the same, here we are:) I don't really have anything else to say I think sooo I really hope you have a great day <3

Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters, nor do I claim to. This is a FANFICTION. thank you:)

Esme walked quietly up the second floor staircase of the Cullens beautiful mansion. she was about the only person in the household to bother taking the steps one by one. she took great pride in her house, and rightfully so, from the ingenious architecture to the spotless interior, the house was quite extraordinary.

She knocked gently on Jaspers' study door. He spent a lot of his time in there, reading. Jasper liked the quiet peacefulness of his study, just as Alice loved her closet. It offered him some relief from the steep emotional climate of his large family. He often needed time alone, people were draining.

'Come in, Esme' He knew her emotions before he saw her. Calm, peaceful, that maternal love and concern that could only emit from her. 'How are you doing darling?' Esme was the heart and soul of their home, it was just three weeks after their encounter with the Volturi over Renesmee, and everyone was still just recovering from the shock of the entire ordeal. Esme had been worried about Jasper in particular. He stressed about fighting, even though he was one of the best, he didn't often like to show it.

'I'm alright' He said, his deep voice quiet. He smiled at the woman he could truly call a mother, in every sense of the word. 'that's good' She gave him a small smile and drifted to the long black couch pressed against his wall. 'Carlisle and I were thinking about going out for the night, and Emmett and Rosalie are away doing...' she paused for a second, if she could blush she probably would be right now. 'things' Jasper laughed quietly, Emmett and Rosalie were certainly thankful for some privacy after all that time without. 'We were just wondering if you and Alice would be okay watching Renesmee while we are gone?... It's alright if you had plans, we can certainly rearrange.' She smiled lovingly at him. It was typical of her, putting others before herself. 'No of course that's absolutely fine.' Jasper replied 'Alice should be home shortly.'

Esme smiled gratefully at him 'Thank you, dear' Jasper nodded slightly in response, looking down.

Thirty minutes passed, rather slowly, until Alice arrived through the door, carrying probably ten bags in each hand. Jasper smiled to himself as he made his way down the stairs to greet his wife. She hadn't been able to shop for months, he thought she might have started to experience withdrawal symptoms if she had have been restricted much longer.

They both laughed quietly as he bent down to lightly kiss her lips. It was perfect like this, he couldn't have been happier than in that moment. 'How was your day, love?' He asked. She giggled quietly, for he was kissing the corners of her mouth between each word, making his way slowly to the side of her face. 'It was great.' She smiled, moving to drop her bags. Reluctantly, he pulled away, letting her organise her things. He sighed in contentment.. 'We're babysitting tonight.' She raised her eyebrows, before breaking into a smile, 'perfect!'. Alice loved spending time with her niece equally as much as Renesmee loved spending time with her. Jasper smiled, 'Esme and Carlisle are going out.' She grinned and reached up to kiss her husband again.

He reciprocated, kissing her gently, almost like she was made of glass, moving his hands to the small of her back, He pulled her flush against him. She moaned quietly when he bit her lower lip, 'Jasper' She said lowly, untangling herself from his arms, and laughing when he pulled her back towards him again... 'as you said... we have to babysit.' He sighed in defeat, and looked at her, pouting playfully. She reached up to kiss him one last time.... 'I love you' She whispered. He smiled into her lips, 'I love you too.'

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2021 ⏰

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