"I'll Be That Person for You"

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You have to not care. If you don't want to get hurt, you can't care. Everyone says to be careful and cautious, but sometimes you can't help but wonder, "what if." In that case, last resort is to not give a shit. 

Aria was the type of girl who knew just exactly what she was doing incorrectly. She was smart; even at such a young age. She could see what the consequences to her actions were even before they happened. Although she was smart and aware, this didn't stop her from experiencing the pain from being abandoned, from being forgotten, from being confused. She didn't know what love was. Maybe she thought she did, but in the end, those who she'd want to learn from ended up just like the rest. No one couldn't fall for her, however she was the reason why storms are named after people. "What an angel," they would describe her as perfect. She's an angel, until you make her regret putting her walls down. She trusts until betrayed.

Jacob was the boy who had pure intentions, however he never let himself fulfill them to their greatest extent. He would often back out. He was the boy who would betray when trusted, little did anyone know, all Jacob needed was someone to rely on. He has a good soul, but a soul with the most unfortunate upbringings. 

Isn't it strange how it's possible for two souls to be meant to meet, but never meant to last? Jacob Isberg, I'm not quite sure what we were meant to do with ourselves but one thing I do know, is that for the time that it lasted, you and I were fine. You and I, our souls, were content. One thing I do ask is that you never forget about me. Please, never ever forget how you sang with me at three in the morning. How we were still able to be temporary homes for each other despite being three thousand miles apart. Someone new is working on helping me heal from a concept of love that I do not quite understand yet; however please do not think that you'll be forgotten. 

Dare to have faith, despite the darkness. Despite the confusion. Trust even when nothing in this world makes sense. I knew everything with you was too good to be true, but what did I do? Well, let's just say you ended up leaving too. I'm a smart girl, but oh so stupid. I trusted though, I had faith. I stayed, I fought. Now I have someone who wants to love me, till I'm me again. All I wanted to be was someone who you could rely on, but little did I know at the time, I needed someone as well. So here you and I are; you chose her after I chose him.

You made me happy. You gave my heart a place to seek refuge. For that, I love you. I never said it to its full extent however, I do really love you. All three words written properly. I love you. May your soul and my soul meet again. And hopefully, if they do, I just wish for them to work out. I wish for our souls to last. I wish for your soul to be less destroyed as it was in this lifetime. Maybe then, you'll give my soul a chance to love you. Forever.

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