Chapter 17: The Total Eclipse

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The sun was going below the horizon. Martin and his group of friends began to walk back up to the Headmaster's room. When they got there, they walked up to the Headmaster's desk.

"Did you get to Zen? I hope you did, cause the moon is about to rise," Professor Gregwin said to them.

"How did you...?" Martin asked.

"It was obvious, your friends with Zen, so of course he was your first 'go to' person."

"Well, at least he has a reason to know Martin," Silvia said.

"Well, we did it. At least I hope we did," Terrance added. The group and the Headmaster turned their heads towards the large window. Professor Gregwin, then, walked up and opened it to get a clearer view. They looked outside, patiently waiting for the moon to rise. After minutes of silence, Karen spoke up with a bit of joy in her voice.

"I see it! I see it!" She cheered. "It's a full moon too! We did it! Zen did it!"

"We get it Karen," Martin told Karen, laughing at how giddy she was.

"Sorry, it's just...this is my first mission...and I'm really excited." They all laughed, even the Headmaster laughed. After a few minutes of planning, Martin looked out the window. Something wasn't right. The moon was getting a bit darker.

"Um...Professor," Martin began, "I think we have a problem. The moon is getting darker, a lot darker."

"My goodness, Zen went above and beyond!" Headmaster Gregwin exclaimed. "He's making an eclipse. It might end up as a penumbral, but it's still an eclipse." Suddenly, as he said that, the moon began to partially turn a dark red. "It's now a partial eclipse. If he made it a total, you all need to leave now. Martin take this ring." Martin walked over and grabbed a golden ring with a slot for a gem.

"What do I do with it?" Martin asked.

"Quickly, just get the Toro gem," the Headmaster replied. Martin ran up and grabbed the Toro gem, which was sitting on top of the Headmaster's large table. Martin ran back to the professor and attempted to give it to him. "No, I don't need it. You need to use your energy to put the gem into the ring's slot. Make sure you weld the ring to the gem." Martin nodded. He focused on the gem and the ring. Carefully, Martin used his energy to change the size and shape of the gem so it could fit the ring.

After a few minutes of concentration, Martin had the gem and ring welded together perfectly. Once he was done, everyone looked over at the moon. It was half way to a total lunar eclipse.
"Martin, what's happening?" Silvia asked. Everyone looked over at Martin, watching him shaking and seizing on the ground.

Martin woke up, but he wasn't in the Headmaster's room anymore. He was in a dark room. He looked around the room. It was empty. It was when he looked straight, jumping backwards slightly, that he was able to find anything. A man was standing in front of him, wearing black clothes.
"Welcome, Energio. How are your little friends doing?" The man asked. "I haven't seen you in a while. Well, I haven't seen you like this, but I have when I possessed your peers. I just want you to know that I am the one possessing your friends. Hope you feel better." Martin looked at the man in shock. He had just found the culprit, but was unable to attack. After a few seconds, he was truly awake.

"Martin, what did you see?" Silvia quickly asked, knowing that Martin usually collapsed because of visions.

"I saw..." Martin began, hesitantly. Should I tell them I saw the person that has been trying to break us all apart? Martin asked himself. "I saw that there will be a total lunar eclipse, that's all."

"Well, then you four need to get going," the Headmaster said. "Martin, use the ring to open a portal to there. Then, when the eclipse is getting close to total, put the ring on top of the pyramid. When you do so, all of you must begin to use your Orb on the side of the pyramid. One person per side. Once the eclipse reaches its full potential, the ring will take its power. The ring will gain the ability to open a portal to anywhere, including other realms. Right now, its only strong enough for places in this world. So go, the eclipse is moving fast."

"Well, let's go!" Martin exclaimed, holding out his hand. He put the ring on and pointed the gem towards the wall. "Here goes nothing." The ring began to glow a dark black. A beam shot from it and hit the wall. The wall opened up, and a portal appeared. The dark power created a circle made of pure darkness. Martin and his friends walked into the portal. Martin felt himself being pulled. After a few seconds of the sensation, he felt soft sand under his feet. His friends were all on the ground, attempting to brush off the sand that covered their robes and shoes.

"Dang it. These are brand new robes too," Karen complained, staring at the brown stains.

"Sorry, didn't mean to do that. I guess it's only truly stable when the user is wearing the ring. I'll try harder next time," Martin said.

"'s fine. I don't really care. At least I'm taking it better then Terrance is." Martin looked over. Terrance was violently wiping his hands down the front of his robe. He was also making some slight grunts and making a very sour face. After a few seconds, he gave up and looked at the rest of the group.

" think those...spiders are off me now," Terrance told the others. The group burst into laughter. Martin was the only one who staid quiet. He was staring directly at the moon. "Martin? What's wrong?" Martin was motionless. After many moments of silence, Martin finally spoke.

"I want you all to know that this trip could cost us our lives," he softly said. "I want you all to be safe as well. So, if this is our last time we see this Earth, then I shall say farewell."

"I shall say farewell too," Silvia said. The other two nodded.

"So, we shall start. The moon is becoming eclipsed. We need to do this to save the world. So, now, let me put this ring upon this small pyramid." Martin walked up to the pyramid, which was about his height. He placed the ring on the top and walked back a few steps. "Everyone, get ready." Everyone got to their positions and held out their hands. A red beam began to form, hitting the ring directly. Martin felt his Orb flow through him, giving him warmth. The others began to release their Orb as well. When the beam stopped, they put their hands down.

"Did it work?" Terrance asked.

"Let's find out," Martin replied. He grabbed the ring, put it on, and pointed the gem towards the ground. After a couple of seconds, a portal, colored white, appeared. Martin looked over at his friends and jumped in.

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