Chapter 7: Fate and Time

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Martin had slept better then he ever had. It was the morning of the second tournament piece. Martin heard from Mrs. Masmereda that after the battle would be classes; lunch, and then the festival. He also heard that a ceremony had gone over the night before while Martin was in his Erariation. Martin didn't feel ready for his battle. He was going to have to battle Terrance, who was very skilled. He also didn't like the thought of battling his only friend. What if he gets a grudge if I beat him, or the other way around, Martin exclaimed in his head. Martin got up from his bed. He felt sick for a second, then it subsided. The Erariation cleared his thoughts, but it was instead filled with pain. Martin was starving, for he hadn't had any food for eight hours. He walked slowly to the lunch room, staying slow, just in case if he gets sick again. Martin got his breakfast and sat down next to Terrance.

"So how was your Erariation?" Martin asked.

"Fine. You?" Terrance asked, making them both laugh. They both knew the answer to that one.

"So...about the battle today...what's going to happen to us?" Terrance knew what he meant. Friendships get broken a lot during the tournament.

"We may not have been friends for a while, but we are going to stick together. No matter who wins." They agreed and finished their breakfast. Martin walked down with Terrance, even though they both wanted to run.

"Go easy on me Terrance. I'm frail and aged," Martin laughed.

"No, no, no. It's you going easy on me. I don't want to end up like Denis."

"What happened to him?"

"After the battle, he appeared in the Infirmary, just like everyone else. When you beat him, he had seven different fractures in his femur, one part of the spinal cord broken, a cracked jaw, and a few other injuries." Terrance said, laughing at how humiliating it was for Denis.

"Terrance, was it you that was there when I got my wand? I saw yours, and it was the same as at the store."

"Yes, that was me. I didn't befriend you for that reason. It's because you need to be under control," Terrance laughed. "No, really, I befriended you because of your kindness." Martin smiled. Now he had a reason to feel happy at the moment. His friend wasn't an average school guy; he was nice, noticing friend. Martin walked into the room with Terrance.

"Excuse me, nobody can come in here!" The instructor yelled.

"What's going on?" Terrance exclaimed as he ran up. An instructor was on the ground, shivering with blood coming from his mouth. The headmaster was sitting next to him. "Does this mean that the game is cancelled?" The headmaster shook his head no.

"We just need a healer to come, but Masmereda is recovering from her own problem," the headmaster said. Martin stepped forward.

"I think I know what to do. When I was about to lose to Denis yesterday, I somehow healed myself. I think I can make energy that can heal him." Martin held his hands over the instructor. He was pale, had short, brown hair, grass green eyes, and a small nose. The shivering instructor held out his hand. Martin grabbed it and held it. Martin willed the energy to flow into the instructor. The energy's power was enough to heal him, but it wasn't going right. The man was still shivering and also began to have a seizure. Martin looked around. "What is he allergic to?" Martin demanded.

"Waterweed, horse-snout lilies, and dragon dust," the main instructor said.

"Well, I think I see the dragon dust. He needs to get out of here for me to heal him. Either that or I have to remove it from the air." They picked the instructor up and took him out of the room. Martin healed him again, and this time the instructor calmed. He sat up, a bit too quickly, making him get dizzy and fall back.

"Thank you..." The instructor said.


"Ah, thank you Martin. You saved my life. I'm Serith by the way. How did you find that dragon dust?"

"It was floating in the air. It was red particles, which I guessed as some sort of dust. When I asked what you were allergic to, they said dragon dust. I told them about it and healed you."

"The question is," the headmaster began, "how did it get in there in the first place? A dragon would have to have teleported in then disappeared." Everyone thought for a second. Nobody could think of an answer. "Terrance, Martin, your going to go on a mission. First, take out your wands."

"Sir, what are we doing?"

"You'll find out, now. I just thought of something. You missed the ceremony last night, so you have no idea what to call me. I'm Headmaster, or Professor, Gregwin. Anyways, your mission is to figure out who sent out the dragon dust. Now, I want you to use the spell, Coritatum."

"Ok, Professor Gregwin." Martin and Terrance looked at each other, held their wand pointing at the ceiling, then yelled, "Coritatum!" They began to twist and turn in a long tube. They felt themselves flying through the air, then, with a loud smack, they landed.

"Martin, what time is it?"

"I don't know. Let's check." It was 5:30 am. They nodded, looked around, then headed for the training room.

"Martin, you can make yourself invisible, right?" Martin nodded questioningly. "Cause what if someone sees two of us at the same time, or we saw ourselves. It would be a bit strange. Martin held out his hands, did the motions that he did on the stage with the headmaster, and was no longer able to be seen. Terrance just disappeared, not needing any movements. It didn't take long for them to get to the training room, other then the one wrong turn where Terrance had to yell for Martin since he could no longer hear his footsteps.

"Sorry, wrong turn," Martin had said. While they were waiting to see the instructors attacker, Terrance yelled out. Denis was standing there, in what looked like a trance. He had a flame whip in his hand. In the other was Terrance, now visible. He was thrashing about, by the couldn't get out of Denis's grip.

"Your time is coming, young Energio. The battle that was made by fate is coming. I. Am. Coming." Terrance was released and Denis through the dragon dust into the room. Denis collapsed onto the ground. Seconds later, he awoke to find himself alone, laying on the ground. Terrance had just barely managed to go invisible before Denis saw.

"Well that was strange," Martin said. Terrance nodded, then took out his wand. "Coritatum!" Martin did the same and they teleported. They were standing in behind themselves, just as they yelled the spell.

"Did you do it?" Serith asked.

"Yes, we did," Martin replied.

"So, who is it?" Martin looked at Terrance, and he nodded.

"Denis, Denis Morinsin. There is one thing though..."

"He seemed like he was possessed or something," Terrance finished for Martin.

"Possessed? What do you mean? Explain," Professor Gregwin asked, appalled at the thought that a student would bewitch their peers to kill someone.

"He was speaking, about, fate and stuff. When he was finished, he threw the dragon dust, then dropped Terrance. After that, he collapsed."

"That was a possession indeed, but it wasn't by a student. Someone was controlling Denis by mind control, with a very powerful mind Orb. This mind control was so strong, figuring that you stated how he collapsed, that it couldn't have been a student." The professor walked away. Serith gave thanks to Martin and Terrance, and he walked away. Martin ran into the training room with Terrance. It was their turn, after everyone else had just finished. It had only taken ten minutes for everyone else to go, and Martin didn't know why until he reached the arena.

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