Chapter 19: Final Battle

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After ten seconds of pure silence, the meteor disappeared. "You knew, didn't you? You knew I wanted my friends out of here," Martin asked to the dark sky, his voice echoing. A small wind began to blow. Martin knew it wasn't wind, for he was on a still land, not revelving at all. Kevin had appeared next to him, having dust flow around their ankles. Martin turned his head slowly towards him. Martin looked at Kevin, seeing his red eyes glowing deeply.

"You aren't as good as I thought you were," Kevin replied. Martin shrugged. He looked down. All the hatred was unable to control him. He was having a normal conversation with the man that attempted to murder him.

"Shall we start?"

"Yes we sh-NO!" Suddenly, Kevin was shaking. A dark mist began to surround him. Kevin gasped after seconds of his strange siezure. "It's the darkness! You need to win! Hurr-" He collapsed again, the dark mist returning and leaving briefly. A few seconds of more abnormal silence occurred. Martin waited in the darkness for a minute until Kevin stood up again. His eyes had returned red, only filled with more rage.

"Well, how about starting now?" Martin asked, slightly anxious for the battle that was about to take place. Kevin smiled broadly. He was ready. Martin's hands began to glow brightly. Kevin looked at Martin with greed. He wanted Martin's ability badly. Martin was the first to move. He threw a ball of energy at Kevin. Then, he dodged a huge flame that slithered towards him like a snake. Martin used his right hand to use its ability to create weapons. The weapon was a battle axe, red on the edges with bronze taking the place of the normal metal. The handle was made of leather. Martin used his energy to levitate the axe. He threw the axe with a spin like a flip. Kevin countered it with his telekinetic powers.

"Is that all you've got? I thought Energios were supposed to be the strongest beings in the universe." Kevin laughed loudly. Martin created another axe. This time, he created it under Kevin. Martin flipped it upwards, making it fly towards the dark sky. He expected Kevin to be cut in half, but he was just sliced and thrown into the air. "Regenerative properties are very helpful in these kinds of situations. " Martin scowled. Martin could feel the energy running through him.

"At least my Orb gives me intelligence," Martin told Kevin, having an angered tone in his voice. The energy is making my knowledge run through my brain faster, Martin had discovered. That's why I'm becoming so smart when I battle. Martin sent another flash of energy. Kevin stumbled backwards. After that, Kevin was filled with rage. He began to float up into the air. First he raised his hand, then forcefully lowered it, and lightning struck Martin. With his ice powers, he froze Martin in a block of frozen, cold, clear water.

"Ha, you are weak. You shall fall like the rest of the world," Kevin told Martin, laughing. Then, Kevin formed lava above Martin. The ice began to melt, and so did Martin's skin and flesh. The smell of a rotting carcass filled the air instantly. The burning lava bubbled as it gained more heat from Martin's blood. Martin screamed out in pain. The agony was unbearable. The lava continued to fall onto him. Kevin began to get weaker, though. We was running low on energy. Martin soon managed to escape the lava. When he came out, his face was blackened and bleeding. The energy the glowed around him was bright, for it was rapidly healing him.

"Ah. You are also becoming weak," Martin groaned. Martin's face, hair, neck, and other parts were returning to their normal state. Martin felt another blast of power. It was air. Martin went towards the sky. A blow to the face soon came across his face. Martin began to fade as he fell to the ground. He thought he was dead for sure, for he was up at least five-hundred feet. As soon as Martin hit the ground, his energy began to release. It surrounded him like a constrictor. Kevin flew back down to Martin and attempted to attack.
Kevin punched at Martin as he flew at his opponent. Before he could make contact, he was blown backwards. Martin suddenly woke up from being unconscious. He looked over at Kevin. Then, he began to feel a rush of power run through him. His eyes began to glow a bright gold. His entire body began to copy what his eyes started. Martin held out his hands, facing them towards Kevin. A beam of energy shot at Martin's enemy. Kevin flew backwards, yelling in out. After he stood up, Martin used his next move. He crossed his arms and then released. A small explosion of energy came forth.

Kevin laughed at how small the explosion was and how it completely missed him. This enraged Martin even further. He crossed his arms again, tighter than before. After a few seconds of collecting as much energy as he could, he released again. This time, a supernova surrounded him. The explosion was more powerful than the last. Kevin screeched in pain. The energy began to rip at his skin. In some spots, the muscle of his arm or leg would be shown. The shirt and pants ripped in places, leaving bloody holes in the clothing. After a few seconds, Martin stopped.

Martin glided down to Kevin. Martin looked at him in the eye. His eyes were back to blue. Martin watched as a purplish, shadowy figure come out of Kevin. After a few seconds, it disappeared. "Thanks saved me..." Kevin began to shake.

"Here, let's get you back to the right realm," Martin said calmly. Martin held out his hand and used his ring. Martin half carried Kevin to the portal and jumped in. When Martin appeared in front of his friends, they cheered. When they looked at Kevin, though, they jumped back. Martin reassured them that it was fine. Martin, then, created another portal back to the school. Martin immediately asked for assistance when he appeared through the portal. A student grabbed Kevin and took him to the Infirmary. Martin, before he spoke to anyone, used some energy to awaken himself from the long battle that had just occurred.

"What happened?" Zen asked, who had come up to the Headmaster's room after the group had left.

"Oh, just a battle with the Orb Master. Also, his name is actually Kevin," Martin told Zen. "Oh, and, I couldn't have done it if my friends hadn't helped me in the beginning."

"Martin, we barely did anything! You literally just saved the world," Terrance explained. Martin looked down. For the first time since he had defeated Kevin did he actually think of how he had just saved the world.

"Well," Silvia began, "We should head off to bed. Tomorrow is the last day, so we need to be ready for parents. Martin nodded and his friends also agreed. They quickly told the Headmaster the story, bid him farewell, then headed off to bed.

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