Daruama-san (bath game)

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Here are the rules to the game

- keep your eyes closed in the bathroom the whole time
- do not allow the one eyes woman to trip you in the bathroom
- do not Enter Your bathroom again
- do not drain the tub until morning

To start this game you must before going to bed go into your bathroom and fill up the tub with water

Once you do so you take off your clothes and turn off the light. Get into the tub. Sit in the middle facing the faucet

Wash your hair, as you do so repeat the words "Daruma- San fell down, Daruma-San fell down" keep repeating this until you finish washing your hair

As you wash your hair you will see an image of a woman standing in the tub. She slips and falls onto a rusty faucet with the tap going through her eye killing her.

Your eyes must be closed the whole time

If you hear or feel movement in the water behind you do not open your eyes. That is a ghost

When you sense her presence behind you say "Why did you fall in the bath?"

While closing your eyes get up and get out the the bath, be careful not to slip. Walk out of the bathroom. Do not drain the tub

Once you have walked out the bathroom and closed the door you may open your eyes. You are safe

Go to sleep

The next morning when you wake up, wake up to the side. If you wake up facing up she may be hovering right above you.

Throughout the day the one eyes woman will follow you disappearing if you try to look.

Sometimes over your shoulder you will get a glimpse of her. Do NOT let her catch you. She gets closer as the day goes on

If you feel she is getting too close he'll "Tomare!" This means stop. Run away as quick as possible putting distance. But do not use this often as each time you use this it will have less affect.

If you want to end the game you must catch a glimpse of the one eyes woman and say "Kitta!" Which means "I cut you loose"

Be careful not to make it obvious you want to end the game. If Daruma San suspects you of ending the game she will hide making it harder to end the game

End the game before midnight otherwise she will follow you and be in your dreams

If she catches you she will drag you to hell.

It is suggested only playing this game once and one time only because if you play again she may either go back to the spot you last finished the game or she will appear right behind you.


Hey everyone! I hope your enjoying these stories but please do not attempt to do any of these. I only wrote them for fun and personally love paranormal stuff.

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