Elevator game

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For the game, you will need the following
- any building with at least 10 floors 

-an elevator obviously


Walk into the elevator alone, if anybody walks in with you it will not work. If at any point when you play this someone enters the elevator with you abort

Staying in the elevator the whole time press the following floors:

fourth, second,  tenth, fifth

When you reach the fifth floor a woman will enter the elevator. DO NOT LOOK OR TALK TO HER she is not real. If you do so she may take you

press the first-floor button if it goes to the 10th floor proceed. If it goes to the first floor walk out and don't look back

 when you get to the tenth floor leave the elevator the woman will ask "Where are you going?" Do not respond to her

You will know if you are in the otherworld because you will be the only person in this world

You can roam the world as long as you like

To get back to the real world you must find the elevator and when you do, hit the same buttons you did when you first got there. After you have done so hit the first-floor button. If it does not work continue pressing until it does and when it reaches the first floor immediately exit and do not look back

If you ever wanna cancel on the way to the tenth-floor press any other button. Do this before reaching the tenth floor

When you reach the first floor carefully check your surroundings. If even the tiniest detail is off press the buttons again until it is as they should. Do not exit the elevator unless you are positive you are in your world again.

When you go into the other world it will be almost exactly the same. The only differences will be no lights and in the distance through the windows is a red cross.

The elevator also may be hard to get to due to a variety of things. BE CAREFUL

You will return home if you somehow lose consciousness or faint or pass out but to be safe check the surroundings


Hi everyone! This story if it sounded familiar to you is from the news a few years back when a woman was found in a water tank. Nobody knows exactly what happened but according to footage found it looked like she was playing the elevator game. Who know but anyways I hope you all enjoyed!

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