The man in the field

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These are the following things you need to play the game:
- a big backyard
- one room an empty one with only one door with a lock
-  a candle or lantern
- a crucifix
- a clock or analog watch

No form of electronics will work for this ritual

Begin before midnight but after sunset. Set up before midnight but it is not recommended you set up less than an hour

Clear everyone from the house and the backyard and light your candle/lantern.

first set u your safe room. Close everything that can be open and I mean EVERYTHING. Leave the crucifix inside too.

after you have set up your safe room go into your backyard and look towards the house. Repeat the words "But who will scare the crows away?"

If you do not hear anything the ritual has failed do not continue. Although there are no known consequences for this it is still best to be safe and leave the backyard immediately and do not return until 6 am.

If you hear a whisper behind you or in your head warning "That's not your biggest problem" immediately go inside and lock the door

The game has begun and you must close everything that is capable of being opened before you clock hits 12

If you see an ashen skin person in your side view DO NOT LOOK AT HIM. But do not fear him either, he is a referee watching you. He is not the man in the fields.


If you do GO TO YOUR SAFE ROOM IMMEDIATELY you have 60 seconds to. Grab your crucifix and hold it tightly. Hope that everything in your safe room is closed and whatever you do whatever you hear DO NOT open the door. Make sure the door is locked and you stay in there until 6am.

If you are 100% positive everything in your house is closed go to bed and sleep. If you can not sleep just keep your eyes closed. And when you wake up n the morning it means you have won.

The rewards go as followed all for one year:

three hours before midnight: Physical safety; You will have no physical pain such as illness, injury, etc. for one year

two hours before midnight: Physical and financial safety; I think you can guess this one

One hour before midnight: Complete safety; Negative actions will not have any consequences in any way



- DO NOT LOOK INTO THE BACKYARD- If you do you will see a scarecrow figure except headless and larger. If you see it, it sees you. It will climb down the post and start sprinting to you. DO NOT let it get in your safe room or you may be headless too

- DO NOT look at the referee

- Make sure EVERYTHING is closed. If not the man in the field will be able to get in


I hope you guys enjoyed this as much as I did. I love researching and writing about these and would love for you guys to comment on other games, rituals, and urban legends you guys want me to do! I hope you enjoy it and the next one will be the elevator game.

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