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Hello readers! Thanks for clicking on my story!

I just wanted to say this Lokius Fan-fiction will most likely not follow the exact story line and dialogue that the original Loki series has,(and sorry if some of the scenes are mixed up a bit, I'm trying okay). And if I post this with not every chapter done, I will definitely try to get all the chapters done soon, hopefully with weekly updated too. My
mental health has definitely taken a toll on me with reading, or just expressing my creativity in general. So, I will try to complete this story with my all.

On a different note, yes, I know Loki is gender-fluid. But from what I have seen from gender-fluid creators is that their gender is fluid, so it could change at any time. Using all pronouns isn't exactly the same as being gender-fluid because normally you would have to ask a gender-fluid person what their preferred pronouns are in that moment. But obviously, Loki is a fictional character, and even though representation is important, I don't want to mess up and use the wrong pronouns, since we can't ask Loki. So I will just be using he/him pronouns for Loki. Hopefully that makes sense.

Anyways, thank you again for supporting me!

Be gay, do crime✌️

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