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Loki and Mobius rushed out of the doors of the interrogation room, after that nasty fight they had somehow managed to win against Ravonna.

She had used her TemPad to get away, after they had all knocked out all of the hunters.

Mobius and Loki were speed walked down the halls of the TVA, trying to get away from everyone.

Then, they ran into Sylvie and B-15.

"Oh— hello you two," said Sylvie.

"Yes, hi— we have to get out of here, now," Loki stressed.

"Not so fast."

They had all turned around, revealing a pretty pissed Renslayer, with over 20 hunters ready to attack.

"I need to bring all of you to the Timekeepers. They have requested to see your pruning, themselves."

Loki and Sylvie gave each other a knowing look. They knew they couldn't fight right now, but they also had to stall. They were going to be brought to the Timekeepers, and they would just have to survive from then on. After they knocked out all of the hunters.

"Ready for round two?" Sylvie said.

Renslayer's cold eyes grew even colder. "For all time, always," she told the hunters, who repeated the phrase.

Is this a cult?

The teams had started fighting once again, only this time, there were over 20 hunters. They would have to fight to the death.

They were doing pretty good, until one hunter came from behind Mobius.

Mobius had been busy trying to knock out one hunter, who for some reason just wouldn't give up, so he wasn't particularly aware of what was happening outside of his sight.

Loki looked over just in time to see that he needed to protect Mobius from the hunter behind him, but it was too late.

Mobius screamed in agony as he had been pruned. All of the sudden, Loki couldn't hear anything. Only the pain in Mobius' voice as he screamed, repeated in his head. His vision was blurry; all he saw was red over the water in his vision.

Why does everyone I love leave me?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2021 ⏰

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