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Loki has had enough.

He knew he was a horrible person, and he didn't need anymore of Lady Sith telling him that he was. (And also kicking him in the groin countless times while doing so).

He had given up. Who knows how long he would be here. Or how many times he would be told he deserves to be alone.

Fortunately, his depressing thoughts were interrupted by Mobius, who had joined him in this repetitive nightmare.

"Loki! I'm sorry I should have listened to you all this time. You were right about the TVA, and I shouldn't have been such an ass after you came back, and-"

"Mobius!" Loki interjected.

"It's okay. Now, what's the plan?"

"I don't know yet. But we have to get Sylvie and figure out how to get to the Time Keepers. There has to be a reason why we're all here. And we are going figure that out. Together," Mobius explained.

Loki felt a smile and a warm blush creep up on him.


"Now let's get out of here."

"Gladly," said Loki.

They both stepped out of there, hand in hand. Only to come face to face with Ravonna, and other TVA hunters beside her.

Shit. The two immediately let go of each others hands, just to act natural.

"Mobius," Ravonna said, "I believe you have something of mine."

"Oh!" Mobius tried to act innocent as he took Renslayer's TemPad out of his pocket, "I didn't realize until a few minutes ago I had picked up yours accidentally!"

Ravonna didn't believe Mobius' act.

"What's wrong Ravonna?"

"I know you know about that video," she said.

Mobius sighed, "You know, if I could go anywhere, I'd go back to my life on the timeline; wherever you took me from! I might've had a jet ski-"

"Prune him."

Suddenly Loki's instincts kicked in. He couldn't let Mobius die. He would protect him at all costs.

Loki yanked Mobius out of the way and kicked the pruning stick out of Renslayer's grasp, and immediately picked it back up, and pointed it at Ravonna.

"You will never get him," said Loki.

"Guards: now."

Loki tossed Mobius the pruning stick and prepared to fight.

•. •. •.

[A little earlier]

"You're telling the truth?" Hunter B-15 asked Sylvie.

Rain poured down on both of them, making them sopping wet. Sylvie nodded.

B-15 sighed, "I'll help you take down the TVA. No matter the cost."


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