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Sylvie let out a loud and obnoxious scream of rage that Loki couldn't help but sigh at. It had been a long day— or however long he and Sylvie have spent in this doomed hellhole. Loki picked up the broken TemPad out of the dust and looked at all the broken pieces.

If you would've just stayed with Mobius you wouldn't have to be here on your deathbed.

Loki let out a groan.

His eyelids closed for a second while he took a deep breath, preparing himself to talk to a raging Sylvie.

"Look," he said as he sat down next to Sylvie, "I'm sorry. I should've been more careful with the TemPad."

Sylvie glanced at Loki, then continued to stare into oblivion.

"We probably wouldn't even have to be here if I had just stayed with Mobius.." he paused.

"And I'm so sorry I got us here, it was a horrible plan anyways and I should have just listened to you!" At this point he was breaking, for the first time in a while.

Sylvie look at Loki with a somewhat sympathetic look, and placed her hand of Loki's back. "It's.." she sighed, "it's fine. We're doomed to die anyways."

They sat and watched pieces of rock and debris hit the ground of Lamentis as the planet got closer and closer to destruction with every second. They had given up hope.

"Do you think that.. what makes Loki a Loki.. is the fact that we're destined to fail?"

Loki turned to Sylvie.

"Perhaps. But, we've gotten out of it alive. Haven't we? Maybe we'll make it out of this one too," he said.

Sylvie chuckled, "I doubt it."

She grabbed Loki's hand.

"I don't want to die."

"Me neither."

•. •. •.

[ At the TVA ]

"I found something!" Yelled one worker.

"What? What is it?" Mobius asked, desperate to find the variant he was secretly head over heals for. Hunter B-15 stepped closer to the monitor along with Mobius.

"That spike.. it's growing faster than any nexus event I've ever seen..." B-15 said.

Mobius let out a breath, "We've got to get in there, quick."

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