Damnation's Birth

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Izuku had always wished to be the one to save the masses with a smile, he worked hard for over a year with his idol to make his dream into a reality and faced countless hardships to reach his goals, even to the point of breaking every bone in his body to just be accepted as a hero. These trials had gained him much respect from those who surrounded him and ire from those he fought against. However one person had taken a shine to the up and coming hero, a very unlikely sort of person who proclaimed his hatred for All Might's successor once before, but as with most things in life, perspectives can be changed when new information comes to light.

And such is the case for our young protagonist.

 He raced through the forestry of the training camp with his broken arms flapping behind him as he raced towards his teachers who were engaged with two villains. The pain of his mangled limbs barely registered from the sea of adrenaline that flooded his mind after defeating the muscle quirk villain by sacrificing most of his combat effectiveness to save Kota, however this was a secondary concern due to the fact that he knew why the League of Villains decided to attack.

They were here for him.

He heard Muscular talk about him being the kid that Shigaraki wanted them to get while they fought and that little bit of information almost lost him the battle. He had won but that seemed trivial compared to his current objective of reuniting with his class to ensure that he wasn't captured. The idea of what that depraved mad man would do to him made any notion of going on his own vanish.

The dark woods gave way to the clearing where two villains battled against the teachers while one of the heroes was held hostage by the pair as he rushed by with his quirk propelling him towards the action.

Izuku landed just short of the heroes which placed him between the factions that dueled on the hard soil. He recoiled when the humanoid lizard pulled a gigantic sword constructed of assorted knives and belts while proclaiming himself as the man who would follow Stain's dream yet thankfully One for All was still viable in his other arm and allowed him to destroy the metal monstrosity with a punch. That did little to dissuade the criminals who still fought on to kidnap him.

Izuku sought refuge behind his teacher but he had to jump away when he noticed the glint of a syringe from the corner of his eye, it was aimed for his neck and almost hit its mark if he hadn't leaped away at that precise moment, however there was a strange force that nearly pulled him back towards the pair and suddenly disappeared as if it never existed.

He didn't have time to consider it as he ran aimlessly through the foliage, his mind was ablaze with panic when he saw all his elders nearly get taken down by just two of the villains so if they couldn't protect him then who could?

He was alone with no way to defend himself and his only hope was that one of his classmates would find him before the villains did. 

It all left him feeling just as helpless as when he was a kid, back when Kacchan would beat him and he couldn't do anything about it. His stomach suddenly had the phantom pain of a high intensity burn at the memory but it was quickly forgotten as he ran into the disturbing aftermath of a battle.

A girl with blonde hair had Tsuyu trapped on a tree trunk with a knife impaled through her long hair, keeping her immobile while Uraraka tried her damnedest to not get stabbed. All three heads turned to look at his ungraceful entrance and that was all the time the blonde villainess needed to land a quick slash to Uraraka's side, splitting it open with a long, shallow gorge that dripped sanguine.

The gravity quirk user fell to the ground, clutching her damaged torso in silent agony as she was swiftly forgotten by her assailant who zeroed in on Izuku with a predatory gaze that had him freeze up as she approached with the still wet blade in hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2021 ⏰

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