Chapter 4

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I was a reck. Plan and simple. When I woke up this morning I didn't want to get out of bed, I didn't want to face the day knowing I had witnessed my love ruin me. I know I would get over it but for now I would act okay. I had to work today. Torchwood would fix my mind for a little while, anyway, keep me away from the events from last night. That's why when I walked into Torchwood, I had a smile on my face and a ready to go attitude, dispite my dreary aura. I tried to forget what happened, just so I could be functional for once.

"Hey guys." They don't need to know. They don't need to be bothered with my pathetic problems.

~time lapse~

I just killed 'death'. And after I ruined the whole room, it resembled my living room very well. I couldn't stop and I broke down when I got to Torchwood. Everybody was gone, except for Jack. He held me and told me it was alright. I hate pity but that's all I seem to get these days. That and disappointment.

"What's wrong" Jack had asked. What's wrong? Everything is wrong, but why should I care? I mean people come and go and I should be used to that. Its happened a few time before, and I shouldn't need anybody. I'm not like them, I could leave whenever I wanted. So why do I stay? I have asked myself this question so many times, and every time its the same answer. I don't know. Maybe it's for the company of everyone around me, maybe it's for the fact that I don't have a home, maybe the fact that I'm trying to hide and run away from everything.

So in reply all I answered Jack was 'me.' I was done being sad over a stupid human that had left me in the dust. I am done associating with anyone I didn't care about. I could feel the walls I had put up surround me like I had many years before. I was done with everything. If only I could run away...

I left Jack with that answer and walked out the door, him shouting after me as I left. I just needed to be alone, away from everyone. I could apologize for leaving later, my mental health depended on it.

I walked into a bar I had been to many times before. One that I go to when I need to stay away from everyone I know and love. And let me tell you on these nights I get wasted, but not tonight. I will maybe have a few beers but nothing more than that. I could hold my alcohol well but I don't need a relapse of what happened last time.
That's another story for another time.

I hung out at the counter, checking out what was happening, rejecting the people who ask if I want to dance. I just observed my surroundings like any other day. I watched a fist fight, they both got kicked out, some guys get rejected by girls and vise versa. Time flew and when I saw a familiar face walk through the door I knew it was my time to go.

I ducked my head and started walking to the door. I saw the familiar face on my way out. Alex, probably here for a one night stand. I don't need any drama, I just need to go home.

I put in my headphones as I walk down the street. I can hear 'the light behind your eyes' by my chemical romance playing in my ear. The fresh air was nice, I don't think I've gone on a walk to just walk in a long time. It feels nice. I walk in silence apart from the low playing of music in my ear. I can feel as though someone is watching me. Not the Doctor again! When is he gonna learn that stalking me is not gonna make me come with him.

"Doctor, I know you're there just come out." I roll my eyes turning around. Silence.

"Come on, I know you're there. it's not even funny." I search for him but I don't see him. I hear a crunch coming from my left. I turn and head towards the sound. I hear it come from the woods, I debate weather I should go in or not. Well I'd i do I could be murdered, although I wouldn't go down without a fight. Or I could just turn around and walk home and be safe. I see a something shiny in the corner of my eye. Curious, I switch paths and head towards the object. As I get closer I see that the object is a piece of metal. What is it doing there? As I'm almost close enough to see it, its to late. I feel for there trap, I'm knocked over the head with something hard as I realize what the clump of metal was. Part of a Dalek.

~Dalek ship~

Can you say headache? I wake up in what looks like a cell, bars all around me, and my arm chained to the wall. I groan and look around me and see another figure close to mine. And I bet I know just who it is.

"Hello Jess"

A/N: okay so I know this one is short, but at least its a chapter right? The next chapter will be longer and more intense I promise. In other news, hello! I will try to update more frequently but im really lazy XD so yeah. Bye!

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