Chapter 6

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The Tardis landed with a thud across the street from my house. I was excited to be home but with the Doctor here too, i feel kind of weird. All i want to do is fall into my bed for next week and sleep, pretending this was just one huge bad dream. I pinched my arm in attempt to wake me up but all it did was leave a red mark on my arm. Big surprise, i'm still here.

"What are you doing?" The Doctor called my attention, breaking me from my trance. I must have pinched my arm harder then i thought, a thin trail of blood had slowly started to run down my arm. I wipe the blood from my arm and wipe my hands on my pants. 

"Seeing if i could wake up from this nightmare." i reply with a small smirk. I wasn't going to lie to him, whats the point?

"Why would you want to leave this sexiness?" He smirks back at me. If i wanted to stay with him i would have kissed him by now. No, no, no! I can't have these thoughts! He's dangerous, and so am I.

"I think you have the definitions of sexy and idiot confused." I smile innocently at him and turn away with a wink. I walk to the Tardis doors hearing the doctor mumble something about how he likes his shoes? who knows with him. 

The Doctor continues to talk about some planet he's been to before while we walk across the street to my front door. I put my hand on the door and it pushes open easily. Someone is in my house. The open door leads to the destroyed living room i left behind. Shit, I forgot this happened, when i'm with the Doctor it seems that i forget my problems... I can't think about this now, I need to focus on the problem at hand. The place was definitely cleaner then i had left it, the furniture back in its place while the papers where scattered all of the place. on my coffee table there was a broken picture frame holding a picture of Alex, Megan, and I before the... incident had happened. 

The Doctor had stopped talking when he saw the wreckage. I pick up the picture frame looking at the happy time from 5 months ago. Why did they do this? I drop the picture frame to the ground and walk to the stairs. It was painfully obvious that they were here but where i don't know. The Doctor had said something along the lines of 'what happened' but i wasn't listening. I head up the stairs to the first place that crosses my mind, my bedroom. They're probably fucking in my bed again.

Though I protest, the Doctor follows me up the stairs and down the hall to my bedroom door. I open the door with an emotionless face. The door opens to reveal two people cuddled under a blanket crying. They were sleeping in my bed with tear stains running down there face, although in there sleep they seemed to have a slight smile. I told the Doctor to stay in the hallway while I figured out what to do with my cheating ex and his accomplice, my ex best friend.

I took the picture frame I had in my room of us and with a crash slammed it on the ground. The sound woke them with a start, sitting straight up in bed ready for an attacker. What sucks for them is that instead of an attacker, they have me and oh, was I pissed.

"Take her first!" Alex screamed like the girl he was. He received a piercing glare from Megan as well as a slap to the back of the head. They bicker still not noticing my presence. If there really was an intruder they would be dead by now, they really are idiots.

I look over to the Doctor who was standing in the hallway, clearly annoyed because he knew nothing of the problem at hand. Looking back at the assholes in my room, I cleared my throat catching their attention straight away. Alex and Megan looked at me with wide eyes, finally noticing me standing there with my arms crossed.

They jump out of bed and lunge across the room tangling me in an embrace. I stand still as a statue while they cry and try to speak to me. All that comes from there mouths are jumbles of words and gibberish. I push them off me after a few minutes of this continued.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2022 ⏰

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