Chapter 5

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"Hello Jess"

Of course. I'm stuck on a ship with the Doctor. Why of all people did it have to be him. We are chained to wall, sitting across from each other. He looked amused from this whole situation, does he try to piss me off? I pull at the chains to try and pull them off. As I pull the metal cuffs around my hands tightened. I pull again and again, I'm to irritated to worry about it causing pain.

"You're just gonna hurt yourself." The doctor sounded concerned. Probably for my mental health.

"I'm aware." I said back. I could see blood starting to seep out of the newly formed wounds on my arm. This plan better work.

"You're insane." The Doctor shakes his head. Tell me something I don't know.

I had scene a camera in the corner of the room when I woke up. My plan was to hurt myself until someone, or something, came in to stop me. We must be important if we are trapped in here. They must want something or another from either me or the Doctor. Might as well speed along the process.

The bleeding is getting worse, the pain feels numb though. Hurry up, I know you're watching.

"What are you doing?!" Soon enough the Dalek had come in to stop me from trying to kill myself. Success. My plan dawned on the Doctor, finally, as the Daleks pressed a button to unlatch the cuffs. With a smirk, i rubbed my wrist's knowing they would heal soon. The Doctor and I stand up, he spoke first.

"Why are we here?" He asks with sass. Aw, he's so cute. Did i just call him cute? what the hell? He is not cute. Nope, my brain just needs to shut up.

"You are to be test-ed'' The Dalek tells. Tested for what?

"Tested for what?" He demands. This is fun and all, but i really want to get out of here. I have a bad feeling about this.

Next thing i know something is injected to my neck. Everything turns blurry, i started to feel dizzy and i fell to the floor. I hear a muffled voice being put out than everything turns black.

~Fear Sim (Like from Divergent)~

I wake up in a familiar room, in a place i haven't been in years. A place i never wanted to be again. My home where the sky's as bright as orange and the mountains go on forever. I never wanted to come here again, i left for a reason.


I awoke from my dreamless sleep into my own personal nightmare; real life. I was the chosen one. With a fate i didn't get to choose. It was raining today, I had the day to myself. No studying, no combat training, just running away for a day.

I get out of bed and change into a black cloak over a t-shirt, skinny jeans and converse. Sneaking out wasen't that easiest thing to do in a house full of people watching your every move. I had to be quick and i had to be quiet, if i was caught the punishment would be severe. I wasen't aloud to leave the house, i was to "valuable" they told me. I was to be isolated, trained and taught and set to my one true mission. But i didn't want to be like them, i didn't want to be a murder. I was finally leaving.

After i packed my bag of my prized possession's i left to the hallway. Inside my bag was a few spare items of clothing, my sketch book and pencils, my iPod, my favorite book, and a picture of my mother before she died. Its my fault she died, she didn't want this life for me, so she disobeyed them, and she payed the price for it. Her life. I hold in the tears i want to shed for my loving mother and quickly move out of sight. I run down hallways, hiding when i see anyone, and come across the door i was looking for. Jackpot. Looking both ways, i sonic-ed the door and pushed it open. It was a long dark corridor that lead to the outside. i have been planing my escape for a long time, the day i finally leave my hell. I closed and locked the door behind be quietly. I sprinted down the dark and damp corridor, trying get out as quickly as possible. I could see the light, i was so close. As i reached the end, which seemed to take forever, i was grinning. Freedom. I stepped outside and saw the beautiful colors of the world. Before i could go any farther, the world turned black.

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