CH 1.

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I finally woke up, tired as hell. Everyone recently got out of school, why? cause of covid! the pandemic, and imagine all the germs? you can literally die! Covid scares me so much, i hope for it to go away.

atleast we have a long long break. it's not like i have any friends, so i genuinely won't miss anyone. i heard of this app called discord. and, it's an app where you can like, talk to anyone! and, i want to give it a shot. who knows who i might meet..


"Ma! i'm gonna go out for a bit!" i said, grabbing my pills that i have to take, i think they are total bullshit but, hey .. it helps? "Okay eddiebear! be safe, don't go rolling around in cut grass, you know how bad your allergies get, oh and. Do not talk to strangers, got it?" , "yes ma.."  i quickly ran out, i love my mom it's just.. i can't stand her sometimes. she's too controlling and.. i don't know. maybe i'm being dramatic, right? i think so.. whatever.

[insert discord ring tone 💀]

"what the fuck is that sound?" the boy said confused. until he felt vibrating in his pocket. 'a call..? who the hell is calling me?'  eddie said confused, til he realized it was discord. he got excited for a bit, but he was definitely NOT gonna call anyone yet. he went to he nearest bench and sat down, he opened his phone and looked at his discord notifications. "Holy fucking hell.. why is there so much?!" Eddie said almost out loud, but it was like a whisper. he declined most, having too much friends is a bit too overwhelming..

The boy accepted certain people, he chatted with a few people. they exchanged information about themselves. he made his first friends, and they were all his age, or around his age and they were very alike. "Bingo!" he yelled out, he smiled and put his phone away. he decided to go home, but before he did. he decided to go down to chicago, it's very far from home.. or well kinda. it's only like 30 minutes away, it's not that far.

The boy walked around and around, being very careful.

he walked down to the water, it was almost nighttime but that didn't stop him. he was scared, but he always wanted to do this. he took off his shoes and socks, his feet in the sand. there was a ferris wheel, it was so big and so bright due to the lights. he stood there, just watching. 'i hope i can experience this with someone..' he thought to himself, he was a bit sad. he wishes he was with someone, oh how he hopes to find his soulmate.. he decided to head back home, it took forever.

Time Skip .

"Hmm, a few days without doing nothing. great, my life is wonderful! isn't it?" i yelled out, did i care? no, cause my mom isn't here. i decided to check my phone, and go on discord. it was almost like a daily thing, ya know? i noticed someone sent me a friend request.

"Trashmouth.. what a unique name."

i accepted it, what could possibly go wrong?


i read the text, well. he's gonna be a very active person, huh?

i responded back with a "heyoo" i hope that wasn't too bad..

we decided to talk , or well I decided. we talked and talked, the kid was very interesting. but, he cracked jokes and jokes, he didn't really know when to shut up.

"PIP PIP AND TALLYHOOO! MY GOOD FELLOW, where has your mom been? i haven't seen her! i was just about to try out this new position.. awh chucks. too bad she wasn't home );"

"Gross.. leave my mom alone! she doesn't want some pesky trashmouth!"

"HAHAHAH, yeahhhh sure."


"alright alright, eds. i'll talk to ya later, i'm gonna go take a nap, mkay? don't miss me for too long! i'll be back (;"

"like i care about you.. cya rich. oh and, don't call me eds!"

*Trashmouth put a reaction.*



"what a long day."

okay, i've decided to make a new fic. chances i will continue, or i won't. i recently got back into IT. i was in the IT fandom for a very long time, and well. i'm back, Reddie is my comfort so i will be writing about them.

Hopefully, i don't lose motivation. I'll update soon.

Cya. 🧸🍯

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