crushes💕 ships 💓and jealous girl friends💔

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Chloe's Pov

<<time skip>>

Urgggh l say the moment l enter school and Char and hen ditched me at the entrance l wonder what those two are up too now ,just kidding Char had a LIMP or as she calls it the Language Information Math Programme and well hen had soccer practice so here we are now with me walking down the hall ways alone and if you haven't caught on then yes am extremely bored
" Chloe Chloe" l hear someone call my name l must be dreaming l tell you
" Chloe wait up" some one shout again l swear boredom is eating me up am now imagining things aii l need help
"CHLOE CAN YOU JUST WAIT" maybe l should just turnaround cause this is pure plain weird l mean it could be that am being haunted by a zombie or something
" Chloe" I hear the same voice again and right now l turn only to meet my doom
am kidding l come insight with the worlds most handsome guy l swear this guys looks be killer he was built to pure perfection " hey" Jasper says once he gets closer "h---ie "l stutter put me in front of this kid and l forget all my language skills "So how's it going" okay am l dreaming or is this happening Jasper Dunlop my ex best friend or best friend am not sure which the guy who hasn't in the past six months asks me how its going l mean don't he got that emma bitch for that why now why today l should reply l think
" perfectly great"l say chirply and all that comes outa him is an ohhh l wander what ge expected for me to still swallow in.misery for all the times he hurt me
"Jasper bear" a squirky voice shouts and l turn to see Emma strutting to us l so hate this chic like literally
"jasper bear are you back together with this slut" oh no this girl did not just call me a slutty l mean you kidding me jealouus much I can't wait for her boyfriends reaction
"Babe l wanted to remind her of her place " Jasper says with disgusting before yanking my hair and pushing me to the floor l swear his words hurt more than the impact land l made when l hit the ground ,laughter errupts all over me by now a crowd is sorrounding us and all Emma does is kick my stomach before she grabs my art book and rips it ,tears start to water my eyes the book was one of the last things my mom gave to me to think the population standing in the hallways would help no they all stand there laughing l just wish l was invisible ,"urghhhh"l yelp after l feel a tight slap on my cheek and l look up to see Jasper staring at me with disgust before hissing the words "stay away from me and
my girlfriend slut" they both walk away living me feeling like a dog in the hallway and the only thing that runs in my ears us the words slut and laughter from everyone around I just wanna be at home l can't go through school at this rate us my least priority and all l wanna do is cry my eyes out ,l grab my bag and pieces of my work on the ground and shove them inside before calling hen l would need a driver home after the call goes through l can't help but sob and that sorta tells hen a lot is wrong and he asks me to take a pass from the admin he just has to find Char cause l might need her ,after waiting ten minutes and crying my eyes out Hen calls me before pulling me into a hug and he was mumbling about not being able to protect me that he should have and l just cry on his shoulder and after am able to compose my self they drag me to the car ,l find Char already sitting there " sorry you had to miss out on school because of me " l say as l emter the car and she just pulls me into a hug l rest on her shoulder the rest of the drive is silent until then pulls over the gasstation so that he could grab some candy and he just takes Char with her not that l mind l like the feeling of being alone when am sad while l wait l just look at what used to be my moms priced possession she always encouraged me to do art although some of it was deep and dark .After five minutes they come fighting over who should have the granola bar l assume it was the only one left and now they bickering like cats and dogs
After they in the car they just throw a packet of sour gummies before they go back to the granola war l mean theres other candy here yet they fight for the granola l don't know no more these two ei

<<time skip>>
After l grabbed the bar and splitting it into half for both of them because I couldn't take their bickering anymore and all l got from them was "you shouldn't have l was getting this close to victory" Char says bring her thumb and finger together
" as if l was gonna let that happen" hen says whilst glaring at char and l just laugh it off not a fake one but a real hearty one after the emma and jasper incident
If you two are done can we get inside l got episodes to finish " l say and they both give me concerned looks and l just shrug and carry my stuff inside to be honest l don't feel any better at all but l don't wanna talk about what happened and l don't wanna be a burden l just flopped on the couch and started to play vampire diaries with Char while hen heated up some food

"Hey guys do l order pizza or you fine" hen shouts from the kitchen "PIZZA"shouts Char while she jumps up and down and l just stare at her before she says " what it stole a pizza of my heart" which causes me and hen to laugh and Char feigns whilst she touches her heart pretending to be hurt which only causes us to laugh all over again and this time she joins only to be interrupted by a sound coming from upstairs


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