Chapter 1

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Chelsea's pov-

My life can be a mess, it pretty much always has been a mess.

But before I get into the whole oh poor me crap, I'll tell you about me.

My names Chelsea Kennedy. I'm 16 years old, and I have played soccer, since I was 6 years old. My dad works at NASA, so I barely ever even see him, but we're one of the richest families.

I have a younger sister named Sierra, she's 13 years old and her attitude is enough to make you want to slam your head into a wall.

My mom died when i was 12, she died of breast cancer, it was terrible. My dad took of work for 6 months, and he was depressed the whole time. He still doesn't like to speak about my mom, but Sierra has a lot of questions, since she doesn't remember a lot since she was only 9, now me... I remember it all.

My mom took her last breath when she was holding my hand, and her last words were "love is eternal". My dad took me to get it tattooed on the back of my neck on my 16th birthday. It's all I wanted, and he didn't want to at first, but he finally gave in.

I played soccer for my school my whole life, until now. I now play for an academy called 'Arsenal'. It's an all boys team, but they said they wanted me to play for them. And today was my first practice.

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