Chapter 2

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'I need my face on a black card, my iPhone need charge, my fish tank needs sharks, I need a blimp to say the worlds ours...'

Yep, that's right... My alarm is a big Sean song. I don't even know why... It's just a song I work out to.

"First day of practice." I said to myself, as I got out of my bed.

I walked to my bathroom, and got in the shower. Then I put on a black sports bra, my lime green and black 'WMHS soccer team' shirt from my high school, and a pair of black short shorts.

Then I went into my closet and grabbed my cleats. I would put the rest of my stuff on when I got to the stadium... It's uncomfortable to drive with cleats on.

I brushed my wet hair, and threw it up into a high ponytail. Then I ran downstairs.

I grabbed a water bottle out of the fridge, and an apple from the collection of fruit in our bowl on our kitchen table. Then I ran upstairs and said goodbye to my little sister Sierra.

"Bye, S!" I said, as I poked my head into her room.

"Ugh it's so early!" She snapped.

"It's 10 o'clock." I said.

"Yeah, in the summer!" She said.

"Whatever." I said, as I turned around.

"Bye, C!" She yelled as I ran down the stairs.

I ran outside to our garage. It held the 8 cars we owned. The garage was attached to our mansion. I told you my dad was rich, even though only about 3 of the cars are used.

"Miss Chelsea you are awake!" Miss Maria, our gardener said.

"Yes, and I'm going to practice Maria!" I said, as I opened my garage section where my car was.

"Have fun my dear, please no get hurt!" She said. She came from Mexico, so she doesn't know how to properly speak English, but she's one of the nicest ladies ever, and she's amazing at gardening. She's practically family, I've known her since I was 7.

"No promises." I joked, as I got into my car, and drove away.

Off to the Stadium. I said, as I drove down the road.

I loved my life. I mean it can suck, like with my mom dying, and the paparazzi always being annoying and in my business, but if you think about it, I am living a dream life.

I pulled up to the stadium after about 25 minutes of driving and walked in with my soccer bag.

"Chelsea Kennedy, correct?" A man said, I'm guessing he was one of my coaches.

"Correct!" I said, smiling.

"I'm Coach Ron, and that's Coach Rick." He said.

"It's very nice to meet you!" I said, as I shook both of their hands.

"You can go to the center of the field with the other boys, were still waiting to start." He said.

"Okay, thanks!" I said, as I sat my bag down, and ran to the center of the field. I sat next to some random kid. I had no idea who he is.

"I'm Romeo." The kid said.

"Oh you're talking to me?" I said, caught off guard.

"Yeah, who else?" The boy, who I guess was named 'Romeo' said.

"I don't know... Maybe the 20 boys sitting around us." I snapped.

"Okay. Anyways... I'm Romeo. Romeo Beckham." He said.

"Cool. I'm Chelsea. Chelsea Kennedy." I said, mocking him.

"My dad's David Beckham, the famous football player." He said.

"That's cool." I said.

"Yeah. Cool." He said.

"Yup... That's what I said... Cool."

"You don't care at all that my dad's a football legend?" He asked.

"Well now that you mentioned it.." I said, kind of being snippy at the cocky kid, "yes... Like I said, I think it's cool!"

Then the coaches walked over to us.

"Okay listen up, were all a team here, and over the next couple days, we will do team bonding." Coach Ron said.

"We want you to be partners with the person you're closest to." Coach Rick said.

I looked all around me. The closest person to me... Was Romeo. Ugh.

"Now get up, and get a ball, and everything you pass, you say one fact about you." Coach Ron said.

Romeo ran and grabbed a ball, then he passed it to me.

"You start." He said.

"My dad works for NASA." I said, as I passed the ball to him perfectly.

"Wow, pretty and good at football, or soccer." He said, smirking.

"Yeah, unlike you, I had to work to be good at this, it just wasn't passed down from my dad." I snapped at him.

"I have to work to be a good footballer too." He said, as he passed me the ball.

I rolled my eyes, knowing that it was highly unlikely that golden boy here had to work.

"I have a younger sister named Sierra." I said, as I passed the ball to him.

"I have an older brother named Brooklyn."

"I have a tattoo on the back of my neck."

"I have a tattoo on my lower back."

I stopped the ball with my foot after pass it quickly back and forth. I was shocked.

"You do?" I asked.

"Yeah, it says 'mum and dad'." He said.

I laughed.

"Seriously?" I asked.

"Yeah. My dad took me to get it for my 16th birthday." He said. "What's yours say?"

"Love is eternal. It was my moms last words before she died." I said, trying not to cry.

"Oh Chelsea, I'm so sorry for your loss." He said.

"So many people have said that, that it doesn't even mean anything to me anymore. Not a thing." I said, looking at the soccer ball that was resting under my foot. "But thank you."

Golden Boy. (Romeo Beckham fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now