Chapter 22

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"That's impossible." I said as i felt my heart race and my hands start to sweat again.

"Did she leave you here? We might have her number on file if i need to find it for you." She said, a slight frown on her face.

"No, no need, i just, i have to go, thank you though." I said as i quickly ran out of the room and down to the elevator.

"Okay." I heard the nurse yell to me.

I pressed the 'up' button on the elevator and was waiting for it, but it was taking forever. I hit the button two more times in frustration. "Woah there." I heard the same doctor i saw earlier with the floppy blonde hair say as he stepped out of one of the hospital rooms. "It'll come, you just have to be patient, i understand it can be annoying." He said with a slight chuckle.

"I don't have time to be patient!" I said as i pushed through the door that lead to the stairs and started to run up them with the flowers still in my hand. As i got to the main floor where Megan's room was at i grabbed the note off of the flowers and shoved it into the bottom of my bag. Then i took the flowers and dropped them in the garbage without thinking twice about it.

I swung the door open and stepped out of the stairs area and onto the main floor where i was earlier. I walked up and pushed open the white double doors and saw the front desk from earlier ahead in the distance.

"Chelsea, there you are. I was worried sick." Megan's mom, Mrs. Baker said as she walked up to me with her hand on her forehead.

"Sorry, Mrs. Baker." I frowned, "I was just trying to find the bathroom, but i found it!" I lied.

"Oh, it's alright." She said as she removed her hand from her forehead.

"So, how's Megan?" I asked, trying to forget about all of the stuff that happened in the basement.

"Well she's on some pain medication that makes her kind of loopy and crazy, but they think she will be okay, she got lucky this time." Mrs. Baker said, giggling when she said the words 'loopy and crazy'.

"What happened to her?" I asked.

"Her lungs were failing so she had a hard time breathing." Mrs. Baker said with a painful expression on her face.

"That's awful, when am i able to see her?" I asked.

"Yeah, we're lucky we found her when we did, it could have been bad. But you can go see her right now if you would like." She said, stepping out of my way.

"Thanks." I smiled as I walked past Mrs. Baker and down the hallway. I took a turn and looked for Megan's room before I found it. I twisted the handle and swung it open, revealing a sleeping Megan inside.

A smile spread across my face in relief that I still had my best friend. I walked over and stood right next to her.

As I looked down at her I put my hand on her hand. It was very cold, which surprised me at first for some reason.

I looked around the white hospital room that smelled like Clorox and was pretty much empty other than the window seat, two chairs and the table, plus Megan's hospital bed and side table.

On the table was a bouquet of pink roses. My smile quickly faded as I recognized the pink roses I had just seen a few minutes ago.

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