Part 8

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( The Next Morning) ( Sonicś Pov)

I yawned as I woke up and I stretched my arms and I looked down to see that Emerald was still inside me and I could tell she was still asleep, but because of my stupid dad I don't feel comfortable letting Emerald out to walk around so I am going to make my stomach shrink a bit so I can carry her with me so no one can hurt her again and I plan to leave this evil place tonight. I slowly started to make my stomach shrink so I would not scare her by doing it to fast and as it continued to shrink I was now sitting on the bed waiting till I can get up.

( Emeraldś Pov)

I was fast asleep, but suddenly I felt the stomach walls shrinking and I opened my eyes to see the walls getting closer as I put my hands on the walls and I tried to push them back, but then I felt a hand on mine and I soon remembered I am still inside of Sonic and he knows what he is doing so I stopped fighting and just relaxed myself as I put my hand where his was and I heard him chuckle.

Sonic: Good Morning my love

Emerald: Morning Sonic, but why is the walls coming closer to me?

Sonic: Oh, I don't feel comfortable letting you out right now because of everyone else so I am going to keep you inside until we get home because it will keep you safe ok?

Emerald: Ok, Sonic ( Curls up a little and relaxes)

Sonic: Good girl Love

( Sonicś Pov)

My stomach had finished shrinking just enough so I can walk while having Emerald in me so I stood up and I headed for the door and left the bedroom to find my mother.

( 30 mins later) ( Sonicś Pov)

I found my mother and she was sitting on her throne next to my dad and I went up to her and I gave her my morning hugs.

Sonic: Morning Mom

Sonicś Mom: Morning Sonic how are you doing today?

Sonic: Good, you?

Sonicś Mom: Good as well, but where is Emerald

Sonicś Dad: I know where

Sonic and Sonicś Mom: ( look at him)

Sonicś Dad: She is inside of you so I can't get to her

( meanwhile inside with Emerald)

I gasped and I was scared he would still try to hunt me down and I started shaking so bad, but I felt Sonic gently rub his stomach to help me calm down, but it was not working so I felt Sonic push down on my body so I was laying down and he pushed the wall above my face so it covered my eyes and the sides covered my ears so I would not hear or see anything and I finally relaxed and just relaxed and I finally fell asleep.

( Meanwhile with Sonic)

Once I got Emerald to stop shaking and calm down I sighed and I turned and glared at my dad.

Sonic: Dad enough I will not have you scaring her anymore then you already have!! Just leave her alone!!

Sonic's Dad: You will see Sonic I never lose

Sonic: Mom can I go on a walk with you alone?

Sonicś Mom: Sure honey ( stands up and goes on a walk with her son)

( meanwhile outside with Sonic and his mom) ( Sonicś Pov)

I was walking outside with my mom and I was so mad my dad could not leave poor Emerald alone. I looked down and knew Emerald was still sleeping as she could only hear my heartbeat and I looked at my mom who looked back at me.

Sonic: Mom?

Sonicś Mom: Yes, Sonic?

Sonic: I am really scared that my dad will do something to Emerald and he won't listen to a word I say

Sonicś Mom: ( cups her sonś face and looks at him) Sonic don't worry I promise that I will do anything in my power to keep her safe ok?

Sonic: Ok, Thanks mom ( Hugs her)

Sonicś Mom: ( hugs him back) No problem

Sonic: I am going to head home now mom so I will talk to you later ok?

Sonicś Mom: Bye son ( waves bye and heads back to the castle)

Sonic: ( heads home with Emerald inside of him sleeping)

( 1 hour later) ( Sonicś Pov)

I was almost home and once I get home and am going to sleep the rest of the day or at least until Emerald wakes up and then I will still keep her inside me for a bit until I know dad will finally give up. I walked through the front door and I locked it and headed to my room and went in my room and locked the door and as soon as I sat down on my bed I allowed my stomach to grow the way it was before so Emerald could stretch and sleep much better and once it was done stretching out I laid down on my bed and fell in a deep sleep.

( here is part 8 and I will be out with part 9 soon so enjoy this part for now my friends)

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