Part 10

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Sonic's Pov

I was walking through the city looking for a mortal to eat and I was a young female walking by so I quickly grabbed her and took her to a alley way and started her down as I ripped her clothes off.

Sonic: hello young lady ( smirks)

Girl: what do you want from me? ( scared and crying)

Sonic: it's time for me to eat as I am starving so come here and make it easy ( starts to walk towards her)

Girl: NO!! ( tries to run past, but got grabbed and pinned to the ground as she stares at him in fear)

Girl: please don't rape or kill me ( is crying)

Sonic: I'll tell you what you be a good girl and you won't feel any pain ok?

Girl: ( is scared, but nodded as he quickly ate her)

( 3 minutes later)

I looked down at my belly and saw it was even bigger since I have my prey and Emerald inside me and it's a good thing I told that girl not to wake up Emerald otherwise I would be pissed.

( meanwhile inside Sonic) ( Emerald's Pov)

I was still laying inside of Sonic with the flesh tubes still on me and I was used to it now, but what I saw next scared me I saw I girl who had half of her flesh gone and she was dead as I was screaming, but the flesh tube on my mouth muffled my screams and I heard Sonic's voice.

Sonic: Emerald it's ok baby just stay calm ( gently ribs belly)

Emerald: Sonic i-i can't it's so scary ( stares in horror as the girl's body starting falling apart)

Sonic: I know honey, but i gotta feed here this might help ( makes a flesh tube cover her eyes)

( Emerald's Pov)

I could not see anything now and I was now relaxing since I was calmer and I was falling asleep and I felt Sonic rub his belly as I fell asleep.

( Sonic's Pov)

I knew Emerald was asleep and I hope what she saw won't scar her for life. I started making my way home with Emerald so I could feed her and get some sleep.

( 1 hour later)

I had just finished feeding Emerald and she was asleep again so I went to bed and laid down to sleep for the rest of the night.

End of part 10 part 11 coming out soon bye for now my friends

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2022 ⏰

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