12: Small Thoughts

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Staying in father's study while he continued his work took hours, and I'm not sure how I will be able to manage that silence torture everyday... I must help Mipha recruit members soon.

After father drove us home, we actually had dinner together. A strange event, as it always will be, but I feel that it was a peace treaty of sorts. He could tell the quiet frustration I had brewing inside of me. I bit him goodnight and made way to my own quarters. As I laid in bed the events of the day ran through my mind. It was an interesting experience, not the kind you would see in movies or books, which I figure is a good thing. I still feel like the day wasn't lived to it's fullest however...

I thought back to Mipha's flyers, and the boy who took them. What was his deal, why in Hyrule would someone just take something like that? That is just peculiar... well, it was beyond my control, even if I could have tried harder to get them back. I sighed and sat back up, shoved him from my mind as I looked across the room to my pens and paper.

If Mipha wanted to start a poetry club, I should at least get some practice.

😩 I guess I can call myself a writer now, cause I'm experiencing writers block for the first time. Yaaaaaaaaaay. Brain, wth??? You can think of 204 different ways to kill a character and yet you can't make a chapter longer than 200 words after thinking about it for weeks?! Ugh... now I'll have to worry about writers block and art block. What a way to live.

Annnnyways, yeah I'm sorry about the unannounced break, and like short chapter- but yeah, stuff happened- imma try to get back into the swing of things. Might do a birthday special cause why not. I'm becoming of wizarding age and I'll be able to visit the spring of wisdom now yehaw, can't wait.

Lol ily bye.

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