Chapter 4: I Become a "Dog of the Military"

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After everyone left, I kind of just kept to myself, I guess Hawkeye heard that I had never done alchemy before because she brought me a book. I was so thankful for that I immediately thanked her multiple times and she smiled and said that it was nothing.
(Time skip from my friend Pika) . . .

I spent the last few days studying the book. Every chance I got I would bury my face in that book, studying. For some reason, this seemed simpler than I thought it would be ,so I didn't have to work super hard. After 2 days I completed my first transmutation. I used the sliver ware give to me for my food to transmute a dagger, WITHOUT A CIRCLE! (FANGIRLING, don't judge me. You probably do it too). I also made my arm into a weapon ,like Ed's. Hawkeye also brought me my backpack that came with me ,and the black strap was covered in blood but you couldn't see it that well. I looked through it and found my phone, notebook, binder, portable charger ,and headphones.

I thought about trying to call someone from home ,but I figured it would cause unnecessary worry and it could worsen the situation, so I kept it off. I pretty much got rid of my binder (except my notebook). And surprisingly Mustang showed up with some clothes that he bought me. I thanked him and he went back to work. "Great, I wonder how this will fit." I said nervous about what I'll be wearing in this new world. I see that he bought me a black tank top, a black jacket, a pair of gloves, a belt with a gun in a holster and a few holsters for daggers that are empty, and a...




How shocking. (Note sarcasm again)
Having no choice in the matter, I put the outfit on. Cursing Mustang under my breath and thinking 'As soon as I get some money I'm going to have to buy new clothes.'

When I finish changing, I decided to transmute some daggers to put in my holster. I also practice using my automail as a weapon that I read about. As I was doing that, Ed walked in. "Alright are you ready?"
"How did it go in Lieore? Wasn't it a fake?"

"Yeah, how did you know that?"

I froze, 'Shit, be more careful Iz!' I tell myself. "Should we get started?" I ask trying to brush off the question.

"Yeah, sure I guess. Are you sure you're ready?"

"Born ready. Let's do this.", Al walked in just in time to watch me transmute 3 long swords without a circle. "Hey brother, she can do alchemy without a circle too, just like you and Teacher."

"Yeah I guess she can." Ed said with a smirk.

"Okay I proved I can do alchemy. What now?"

"How good are your combat skills?" Ed asks with a mischievous grin on his face.

"I've never tried ,but I guess I could give it a shot."

"Okay then, fight me."

"WHAT?!" Al and I say in unison.

"Brother are you sure this is a good idea?" Al questions.

"I'm sure the little girl can handle herself, right?"

After calling me little twice, I was so over this so I shout: "I have a name you know: ISABELLE! And if I'm small what does that make you, A PIPSQUEAK?!" I decided to use that to my advantage, and then ,as expected, he screams "PIPSQUEAK?! WHO ARE CALLIN' A PIPSQUEAK MIDGET WHO CAN'T EVEN GO TO THE BEACH 'CAUSE HE'S SO SMALL THAT HE'D SINK INTO THE SAND AND WHEN THE TIDE COMES HE DOESN'T EVEN SAY THAT HE'S WORRIED ABOUT DROWNING 'CAUSE HES SO MICROSCOPIC HE COULD BREATHE OXYGEN ATOMS THROUGH THE WATER?!"

I used his rant to distract him as I kicked his legs out from under him and pinned him beneath me. I quickly transmuted a knife and held it to his throat. "Was that good enough?" I asked while trying to catch my breath.

"Brother, are you okay?" He asked concerned.

"I'm fine Al." He responds as I let him up.

"That was amazing!" Al exclaims.

"Yeah not to bad, it was pretty good." Ed says.

While I drink some water that the nurse brought me a while ago, I start to hear a slow ,dramatic clap. I turn to see who it was, Mustang. "Very impressive ,so I guess you will be hanging with the Elric's from here on out?"

"Yeah, she will." Ed says before I can respond.

"Awesome, thanks." I reply.

"Hey before you guy leave, catch." Mustang says as he throws something in the air. I catch it with ease, 'It's a State Alchemist Pocket Watch!' "Congratulations, you're now a dog of the military."

"But I didn't even take the exam?"

"The fight with Fullmetal was enough."

"Do I get a name?"

"Yes, you're now the Mystic Alchemist."

"Nice name, sounds mysterious." I say as I giggle.

As I start to pack what little I have, the boys tell me that we are headed to see the Sewing Life Alchemist, Shou Tucker.

"Cool I'm ready." I tell them as we walk out the door.

"Hey , I forgot, what's your name? I better remember it since we'll be working together for a while now."

"Isabelle. My name is Isabelle."

"Pretty name. Well , Isabelle, I look forward to us working together. I hope we become great friends."

"Me too." I reply as we get into the car.

Well I updated. YAY!! Hope you enjoyed it! 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆
And that probably entertained you for about 2 mins tops. Well bear with me I really don't know what I'm doing so yeah. THANKS FOR READING!

- @Izzy201

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