Meeting Aizawa | Chpt 2

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So, if you've already read some of these things, this is kind of an updated version of the Jozawa sidestories. I'm putting them all in one place and making them less (y/n) central! I'm adding a few things and changing around the holiday pieces to fit the story better.

I'm planning on making a main storyline and possibly little chapters at the end that are like 'switched personalities' where Joue is more like Aizawa and Aizawa is more like Joue. Or if one of them was hit with an age regression quirk. Little things like that.


Joue's POV

I had settled into my new job at UA nicely and met with some of the 1-A students already, which Nezu had wanted from me as the initial job requirement. In my almost 5 weeks, I had met with quite an interesting character (y/n) most recently, who seemed to have villain problems as well as relationship problems with her family and boyfriend, Bakugo, who I had also met with for anger issues.

One thing that was vastly different about working here was the problems. Learning that (y/n) had been physically attacked by a villain that was threatening all her loved ones was not typically a situation I dealt with at my job. It was strange to hear such horrible things.

I had yet to really speak to any staff in the school or make acquaintances with any one. I had some trouble making friends, that was always a constant in my life. They worry I wouldn't was rather real. Only a few students had made their way to my office. I had the opportunity to paint over that old office with some purple paint and make it much cozier. There were beanbags to sit in, gentle light, and I had put up some merchandise of Eraserhead on the wall with the pointless curtain. It could be covered with said curtain, so I had given it a purpose. In the highly rare event that he even did come to my office, I could cover my wall of his fan paraphernalia. I figured that would not be a problem because I wasn't planning on trying to get a work out around him. That was not a good idea for me. I was almost done moving into the school as well, which was required of the staff to keep security at a high.

I was trying my best to fit in to the school, going with what Nezu wanted to keep from rustling some feathers. I was supposed to meet all the teachers in a formal introduction by Nezu, but he hadn't done so yet. I figured maybe he forgot and I could do that later or not at all. Meeting the teachers meant I had to actually talk to them. Something about adults made me nervous, though when I usually sucked it up and spoke with them it wasn't celebrities. The teachers here were oddly attractive and in a way, famous. I just needed to keep my head down at this point.

I gathered a small box of belongs in my old office to officially set my absence in stone. I glanced around, seeing the office looked smaller and stuffier than I remembered. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and I shifted the box to my hip, tugging it out. I had figured it might be my best friend, but the number was no recognizable. I answered, seeing as it wasn't labeled as potential spam.

"Hello?" I asked, pressing the door open. Nobody seemed concerned or intrigued by my walking out. Didn't change from when I had been working there.

"Hi, is this Joue?"

"That's me."

"Hi, this is detective Naomasa Tsukauchi," the voice spoke, "I have become aware that you are the counselor at UA."


Had I broken some weird hero law? Shit.

"I have a case with one of the hero students and an attacker. I would love to meet with you and discuss the idea of working with this attacker in a psychological sense. We have her in custody right now and I thought that perhaps if you had connections with the school that you could work with me. The girl's name is Chouka."

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