Something More | Chpt 8

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Joue's POV

I was back to work and ready for the new year, returning for my first week back. This week was turning out really well. I opened up my door at a knock, bringing my lips up into a smile when it was Aizawa there. I didn't really expect anyone else to come knocking anyways.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked, stepping aside so he could let himself in.

"Ah, no I don't need to come in," he said, allowing me to slowly step back into the doorframe. "I actually have to go, I just wanted to ask you a question."

"Oh, sure," I replied. He was stood with his hands in his pockets. Usually he had his arms crossed, but it was different today. Aizawa was stood tall and rather confident.

"So every year, once or twice, I have to go to a hero meeting. I was wondering if you'd want to go with me since it's coming up this weekend?" he asked. I leaned up against the doorframe now. That was just Friday afternoon and it was already Wednesday.

"Uh, why?"

"Well it's a ways away and it gets a little boring," he stated. "It's at this nice hotel, very fancy, I thought you might like that kind of thing."

"What? Fancy hotels?" He nodded. "Oh...well I do really love hotels. You guessed right. I mean, won't you be in a meeting? What am I supposed to do?"

"You can hang around the hotel or the room. We can stay over, go swimming, something like that," he said. That did sound rather nice, like a small getaway. Why the hell was Aizawa asking me to come?

"How come Mic and Nemuri aren't going?" I asked.

"It's different sectors of the city. I'm the UA representative. Unfortunately."


"I'll pay for everything."

"I can pay for something," I offered and he shook his head. "Why do you always have to do that?"

"I'm asking you to come with me, why would I invite you somewhere and then make you pay?"

"I don't know, I just--you always pay for stuff."


"Never mind," I sighed. "Sure, that sounds alright. You can use my car."

"Great," he replied. "I'll talk to you later about it. I'm glad you're coming." He turned, off to do something else on his list of tasks to complete. I watched him head down the hall, slumping slightly harder against the doorframe.


Had he just convinced me to spend a weekend away with him? Who the hell does that?! I guess I had no room to speak, having invited him to my childhood house for Christmas.


"You're leaving Uno with Nemuri?"

"Well Mic is too loud for her," I said, after Aizawa had mentioned her absence. "I'm ready anyways."

"Alright," he said. I tossed my keys towards him when he looked my way. He lead the way down to the small garage near the school. I followed closely with my bag, slightly nervous. I didn't really know how this would be good for me. He was insisting that this could be a nice relaxing day or so away, but Aizawa was still someone that made me nervous. I got in my passenger's seat, which was strange. I didn't typically sit here, considering it was my car. I crossed my legs, bouncing the foot that hovered above the floor. He started it up, glancing to me with a soft expression. I just smiled awkwardly back.

"So, uh, I'm guessing I can't really be around the whole meeting, huh?"

"You'd be correct," he said, pulling out of the spot and to the garage exit. "You can just hang around the hotel or in the room. I hear they have a nice lobby and the rooms are nice as well. All I ask if that you order room service at 5:30, I'll be back at 6."

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