Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

I don't know where Noland bought the soup from, but it was amazing. I very nearly started licking the bowl like a starving person.

Unfortunately, I could only eat my feelings away for so long until the events of earlier creeped back into my brain.

He kissed me.


Granted it was on the cheek, but still.

I plopped down on my bed with a sigh.

What was I going to do? Cal was saying stay away from him. He's a bad guy.

But I haven't actually talked to him about what happened. It could have all of been a misunderstanding. Or Nol could be being framed. That's always a possibility. Right?

I so badly wanted to listen to Cal and have a simple life while I stayed here, but every other organ besides my brain was saying to give Nol a chance.

I was about to drown my sorrows in karaoke once more when my phone started ringing.

I looked at the screen and saw it was Mom calling. I quickly hit the green button and answered.


"Hi Darling. How is everything going?"

Her chirpy voice was the first thing that tipped me off. She was either about to deliver bad news or give me news that she wasn't sure how I would react to.


"What do you mean why? I was just wanting to know how my only child is doing. Is that such a crime?"

I rolled my eyes at her dramatics, but played along anyways.

"You're right," I said flatly. "How are you?"

"I'm doing just peachy. Now, Rory, don't be upset with me, but I talked to Felic Cassano and he wants you to fly up to LA for a little advertising. You're not starting promo or anything, but he wants you to go to the premiere of Dark Face to put your name out there and to take pictures with him. This will start rumors that you will be in his next blockbuster which is what we need. I already booked you a flight to leave out tomorrow morning."

I groaned, hitting my head on my pillow a few times. I didn't mind flying out to LA for a few days, but I did mind that Mom was just now calling me to tell me. She knows I hate when she does this.

"Yes, Mom. I'll be there."

"Thanks darling. Felic is really excited to meet you and of course, I told him you were excited to meet him. I'll pick you up from the airport. Oh and make sure your dressed nice. We'll have to meet Felic as soon as you arrive to smooth out the details."

"Okay. See you then."

"Love you!"

"Love you too Mom."

I hung up the phone and laid back on my bed for a little while. Now I would have to pack. I always dreaded packing. But on the bright side, I wouldn't have to see Nol for a few more days. Maybe I could work out a solution as to what to do about Nol and Cal.


I arrived at LAX as a ball of nervous energy. I had only been out of the spotlight for a few months, but it felt like years.

My mother greeted my at the airport, but unfortunately, so did the paparazzi. They had no idea why I was back so they were throwing all kinds of crazy questions my way.

"Did you graduate early?"

"Have you been kicked out of the school?"

"Why aren't you bringing your new boyfriend with you?"

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