Chapter One - Jess's Threat

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"Look, this is getting out of hand, Lucy," my best friend, Jess, said. "If you don't stop this I'm going to tell someone."

"You can't do that!" I cried, trying and failing to sit up in bed due to the way my entire body ached. I lay back down and studied the newly created cuts on my arms. My mind wandered to the boy who recently dumped me. The way he looked at me when he told me mercilessly that I was too "screwed up" to be with him. How I was such an embarassment and that I was ruining his reputaion.

"Look at yourself, Lucy! Just look at yourself!" Jess said, pulling me from my thoughts. I could tell she was becoming angry. She continued, growing louder and louder, "You cover yourself with new cuts every hour! You starve yourself until you pass out before giving in and eating a grape. A fucking grape! I am so tired of covering for you! If your parents knew... Lucy, you need help! There are people that would help you without any hesitation!"

"Jess, I don't need my parents help. I'm not in high school anymore."

"Exactly!" She was practically shouting now. "This isn't high school anymore, Lucy! You don't have to deal with all those jerks anymore! So why not stop all of this?"

"I can't! Don't you understand? This is who I am. This is all I'm ever going to be!"

"I have to go home. I told Michael I'd have dinner ready by the time he gets home from work. Promise me that you'll stop this though, Lucy, or I will tell. I swear it on my life."

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