Chapter Two - MTrench Tickets

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After Jess left I got up, ignoring the way my aching body protested and moved to the bathroom of my small apartment.  I looked in the mirror and scowled.

"How could one girl be so fucking ugly?" I mutter under my breath, before stripping and hopping in the shower.  I sigh as the hot water caresses away the aches and pains and ignore the blood that still oozes from the cuts on my arms.

After drying off and putting on an oversized T-shirt and sweatpants I apply some cream to my cuts in order to avoid infection and bandage them up.  I've done this routine at least three times a week since Grade 9, which was six years ago, so I barely have to think about it now.  When I'm finished, I return to my bedroom and pull out my laptop.  Checking my email, I find out that my favourite band, Marianas Trench, is performing tomorrow night!  Apparently it was a last minute thing.  I buy one ticket, knowing that I wouldn't be able to find anyone to go with me.  Jess is more of a One Direction type girl.  One Direction is cute, in my opinion, but compared to Marianas Trench they don't stand a chance.

Deciding I need a new outfit for the concert tomorrow, I skip dinner and head out to the mall.

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