Chapter Three - Meeting Josh

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It was a couple hours before the Marianas Trench concert.  I studied myself in the mirror one last time, taking in the longsleeved, open-backed, black shirt, dark blue skinny jeans, and black converse.  My eyes were coated with dark, glittery eyeshadow, thick black eyeliner, and several layers of mascara.  I added a dark red lipstick, grabbed my purse and leather jacket, and headed for the door.

As I arrived at the venue, I could barely contain my excitement.  The happy hum of people much the same as me echoed from inside the building, and I smiled for the first time in months.  Normally, I would consider going to a concert alone kind of depressing, but since this was Marianas Trench, I didn't care one bit.  Suddenly, someone was crashing into me, and I fell to the ground, straight into a mud puddle.  Just my luck.

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry!" a voice from behind me said, as I was hoisted into the air and placed back on my feet.  I turned around, unsure whether or not to scream or laugh, when I saw Josh Ramsay, the lead singer, standing before me!

"Oh...Uh...Um.." I muttered. "It's okay..."

He laughed and said, "Come with me," before grabbing my arm and pulling me around the back of the building.

"Josh?" I finally managed. "What are you doing?"

He smiled, "Well, I figure since I ruined your outfit, the least I can do is allow you a free backstage pass and permission to watch the show from backstage?"

"Are you serious!?" I cried, no longer able to contain my delight. I know the question was probably stupid, but I couldn't help it.  This all felt like a dream to me.

"Of course.  Maybe afterwards we could...go for drinks or something?" He asked. "You know... If you wanted to."

"Yes!" I gasp. "Oh, er- I mean, yeah, that'd be cool."

He laughed again.  It was a wonderful sound.  He lead me backstage and gave me a quick hug. "Great," he said. "I gotta go get ready for the show, but I will definitely see you soon...uh.."

I laughed, "I'm Lucy."

"I'll see you soon, Lucy!"

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