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Narrator's POV

Gutts stared at Griffith in shock after hearing what he said. " We just met! The hell are you talking about?!" Griffith sighed and shook his head. " Not like that. I want you to join the band of the hawk." Griffith said. Gutts calmed down but then she frowned. " Oh. No thanks." She said. Griffith's eyes widened a bit and then he chuckled. " I don't think that you have a choice. When I want something, I get it no matter what." Griffith said. Gutts frowned even more and glared at Griffith. " Well, I ain't a " thing". I don't belong to anyone. Now if you excuse me, I'll be leaving now," Gutts said and with that, she started to walk away until she heard Griffith get his sword out.

" I'm sorry, but I can't allow you to leave. Either you join me willingly or I'll have to do it by force." Griffith said. Gutts glared at him and got out her sword. Griffith smirked at this, " So you choice to battle huh? I do enjoy doing things by force." Gutts growled and charged at him. " You make me sick!!!" She shouted as she tried to attack him. Every time she swung her sword, Griffith dodged it gracefully and with a smirk on his face. ' Damnit! Why can't I get him?!' Gutts thought as she swung her sword. This time, Griffith blocked the move with his sword and flung hers away. " Do you give up?" He asked her with his sword dangerously close to her chest.

Gutts chuckled and smirked at him, " No." She stated and then she headed butted the white-haired male. Griffith dropped his sword and then he fell backwards when Gutts tackled him. The two rolled off of the hill and when Gutts sat up, Griffith smirked at her. " This is rather a disturbing position, don't you think?" He asked her. Gutts looked at him confused and then her eyes widened when she saw then she was sitting on top of him while he laid flat on his back. 

" Ugh! You son of a bitch!" Gutts shouted as she punched his face. Gutts was about to land another punch until Griffith caught her hand and flipped her over and had her arm in an uncomfortable state. " I'll give you one last chance. Either you join me or I'll dislocate your arm." Griffith said. Gutts frowned and spat in his face, " Go to hell." Griffith sighed and dislocated her arm swiftly. Gutts grunted and bit her tongue so that she wouldn't scream. Everyone in the band of the hawk cheered at Griffith's victory and then Griffith went up to Gutts and put his hands on her cheeks.

" And so, Now you belong to me Gutts," Griffith said. Gutts looked at him shocked while all of the other members gave Griffith a questioning look. " Do you mean it?!" One of them asked. " Yes. Gutts is now a member of the band of the hawk." Griffith said. Everyone cheered except for two members. Casca watched from above with eyes full of envy at Gutts. ' This is strange. Griffith has never been so interested..or complimentary. Not to anyone. So what's so special about her?' She thought as she walked away.

Gutts POV

Time passed after my fight with Griffith and I'm now laying in a tent thinking about what had happened earlier. ' How could I have let him beat me? He defeated me easily and dislocated my arm and he had the audacity to smile at me like some innocent child.' I thought to myself. My thoughts were interrupted by some people talking outside my tent. " Are you sure that this is okay?" One guy said. " Yeah, what if Griffith gets angry?" Another one said. I was confused until I heard one familiar voice speak. " Don't worry about it. After we kill her, we can get rid of the body in the forest." I frowned and got up and soon I heard another familiar voice.

" I wouldn't do that if I were you." It was that girl that didn't like me for some unknown reason. " Why do you say that Casca?" The guy said. " You saw what she did to our comrades the other day. Do you really think that you can beat her?" Casca questioned him. He went silent and then I heard him smack his teeth, " Let's go." he said and he and the other guys left. Casca sighed and left as well. 

The next day, I had my first mission with the band of the hawk and surprisingly everything went well because of me. In the end, everyone celebrated with drinks and food snd they talked about me most of the time. I sat from above and watched as everyone else had a good time. " You're not going to join them." I turned my head and saw Griffith walking over to me and he sat down. " No, I'm not a ' people person," I said. He hummed and handed me a cup. " Oh, and congratulations by the way." He said smiling at me. I took the cup and drunk some of the alcohol and sighed. 

" Hey, Griffith," I called. He turned his head and looked at me, " Why'd you choose me? Out of all the people in the world, why me?" I asked him while looking into his eyes. ' I never noticed how beautiful his eyes were.' I thought as I stared at him. " It was...your spirit that drove me to you." He said. I looked at him confused, " My spirit?" I said. He nodded and looked up to the moon. " Your will to fight. I like that about you. Although, your attitude is something else." He said chuckling. I laughed a little and then we both sighed and looked at each other. 

Griffith put his hand on my cheek and caressed it a bit. " You know Gutts, from the moment I saw you,  I thought that you were the most beautiful human being on earth." He whispered to me. I looked away and then he turned my head towards him and leaned forward to kiss me but I quickly stood up and cleared my throat. " U-Uh umm...I just remembered that Casca wanted to talk to me about something. I have to go. " I said and I quickly left. 

Griffith's POV

I sighed as I watch Gutts leave me alone on the castle rooftop. I stood up and decided to go to my tent and call it night still thinking about Gutts along the way. ' Why does she make me feel this way? What is this feeling?' I questioned myself as I entered my tent. I laid down and thought about all of her features and how she acts when she's in battle and when she's not. I thought about her laugh which made my heart skip a beat. ' Could it be? Could I have fallen for her?' I thought. I scoffed at that thought and put my hands behind my head, " That's preposterous. There's no way that I could have fallen for her...



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