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The next morning Aizawa brought us into his office and asked us some questions.
Naturally before went I told the two that I help my friend Snow train and that I may have to tell him about my quirk but if he doesn't bring it up to not mention it.

Yeah I may have to tell him about the quirk I've been hiding from UA for 4 years and from my mom my whole life they would have to find out eventually. I mean I could only go so long without using it in hero work.
3rd Person

Izuku was the first one in, he wasn't too worried about himself and not too much for Bakugou but Kirishima...
It's not that he thinks he would tell him the truth in purpose but maybe just maybe Kirishima would slip up and say too much.

"Talk" spoke the tired teacher as Izuku sat down.

"I told you, I went out to go help a friend train her quirk the other two just happen to come with"

"Ok..." he seemed skeptical but he went along with it. "That still doesn't answer why you came in at 4 am"

"Well her parents don't like her using her quirk so she can only train at night since both her parents also work the night shift at the hospital so that's the only time she can go out."

"And who is this friend? Why don't they want her to use her quirk?"

"Her names Snow, she can freeze a persons bodily fluids, like blood and sweat and stuff. Her parents think it's a Villains quirk so they don't let her train or anything."

Aizawa nodded as he listened, he seemed convinced.

"Why did those two go with you?"

"Well me and Kacchan are dating, and i got hurt a little while training with her before so he got worried and I brought him with and I invited Kiri so he wouldn't kill her." He said calmly and Aizawa nodded in understanding.

"Ok tell me, I want to know, how exactly do you help her with her quirk?"

"Well I'm very good at analyzing quirks so I give her some tips and help her come up with new moves."
Izuku know he doesn't have to tell his teacher about his quirk but he would rather tell him before he finds out accidentally by someone else.
"Also, since I kinda don't trust Kiri to not blurt it out or something I'll tell you. I've meaning to anyway I just never knew how to bring it up."

Aizawa was intrigued, "Go on,"

"I also know a lot about how her quirk works cause... I kinda experience it first hand..."

"What do mean?"

"Well to put it frankly I have a quirk and it's kinda almost the same as Monomas quirk but I can't do more than one and my time limit is a lot shorter. See I steal someone's quirk for a short amount of minutes and for that amount the person doesn't have their quirk and I can use it against them while they're powerless, also I can't decide whether I want or don't want to take someone's quirk when I touch them so I wear gloves" he motioned to his hands. "To block myself in training and during class"

Aizawa was shocked to put it simply, this was giving him the biggest headache and he still had two more students to question.

"Yeah so I can be really effective when helping someone else train their own quirk"

"And why the hell was this not documented in your legal paperwork cause I don't remember seeing this in your file, Midoriya And can you explain why you have two " he almost sounded furious as he spoke.

"Well... with a quirk that can take anyone else's it's pretty hard on the body so I'm guessing the power enhancement part comes with it so I know, die" he laughed awkward and was slightly amazed he could come up with such a quick lie.
"And it came pretty late in life to be honest, see when my mom to me to the doctor they told me I was quirkless so when I started getting my quirk the power half came first and my mom was happy but she was terrified, she's always been worried about me hurting myself since it was a lot of power for a small child so when the quirk stealing came in I don't want to scare her even more. I was just lucky I can use them separately." At least half of this was true.

"I swear you make my job harder than it has to be problem child..." he sighed in defeat. "Bring in Bakugou, we're not done though we'll have to talk to Nedzu so I recommend telling your mother before we do"Izuku nodded and walked out, he saw the two standing there.

He told Bakugou very briefly about what he told Aizawa about his quirk and One for All making sure that Kirishima couldn't hear them, just in case he asked anything.

His questioning didn't take long,

"Tell me, did you know about Midoriya?" He sighed

"I just found out" he grumbled

"And Kirishima?"

"Also jut found out"

"Ok, so about last night" Aizawa didn't push further on the subject of Midoriyas quirk, not yet anyway.

"Yeah yeah, the extra needed help so the nerd went and helped, we lost track of time." He kept if short and simple, since he didn't know a lot about what his boyfriend had told the teacher.

"Yeah Im tired that's good enough, bring in Kirishima."

"Whatever" he got up and walked out.
"Kirishima!" He yelled out before he reached the door to let his friend know it was his turn.

"Heyyy Mr. Aizawa..." he said awkwardly as he walked in.

"Last night"

"Oh he was so manly! He was like pow and bam and boom they were all over the place it was great!" Immediately Kirishima was excitedly talking about the fight he saw last night, even though it wasn't against Snow.
"Everything was so manly, you should've seen him! They fight so smoothly and with his quirk it makes things so much more interesting especially since she fights just as good without her quirk ahhh you should've seen it Mister" at this point he was reminiscing about the first time he saw Izuku fight against Snow.

"Without her quirk?" Aizawa knew what he was talking about he just found it amusing how Midoriya knew this would happen.

"Yeah! Wait... uhhh I mean, Umm not that- she's- she's just a good fighter..."

"Relax I know" at least he could get some slight amusement out of this fucked up situation.
"Leave I'm tired"

Aizawa immediately called Nedzu after the three left and went to sleep in his sleeping bag, he felt lie canceling his class but decided not to in the end even though he was so close to doing it just so he can absorb this new information.

"Dude I really freaked out in there, why didn't you tell me you told him dude"

"Sorry man it just slipped my mind"

"Oh cmon, so not manly" he huffed and crossed his arms playfully as Izuku started laughing beside him.

Bakugou was stifling his laugh as he took Izukus hand in his own.

Yeah it's been forever, don't hate me too much but I gave you two so that should make up for a little right.

Anyway hope you enjoyed.

These were rushed since I felt bad about being gone for so long so there might be some spelling mistakes.

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