ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ɴɪɴᴇ || ᴛʜᴇ sʟɪɴɢᴇʀ

16 1 0


"Okay, so I just saved your lives, you guys can put the sword and sticks down," I waved my hand lazily, shifting to swing my legs over the edge of the roof.

"Hey, be careful!" One of the boys– he had a man-bun, which made me laugh– called out. "You could fall."

I let my lips twist into a frown. "Wouldn't be the first time."

The girl that stood off to his left, with short hair and a scowl, sheathed her knives with a sigh. "That's a kid." She didn't call it out to me, but spoke in an easily carrying tone. "They can't hurt us."

Trying really hard not to be offended by that, I leaned forward. "I can, but I won't. Who are you, and why are you here?"

Man-bun put a hand on Angry girl's shoulder to silence her retort.

The redhead stepped forward, tilting her head up to meet my gaze. "You live here?"

I'll admit, I was a bit unnerved by the way her eyes pierced mine, but I held steady. "Yeah. Or, well, I did for a while. Then that, that thing chased me out." I propped my elbows on my knees. "So thanks for that, I guess. But why are you still on my doorstep?"

"And why are you still on the roof? Or is that where you like to hang out?" Angry girl bit out, shaking off Man-bun. Clearly they had something going on, I thought with a mini smirk.

I shrugged. "Oh yeah, it's a good spot to look out for cops and basically anyone who wants me out of here." I narrowed my eyes at them. "That include you kids?"

"No. We're not here to pick a fight." Tall, dark, and about a century years older than me stepped forward. He was clearly the leader of the group, because the others looked at him like he had all the answers. "Just want to ask some questions."

Ah, so he didn't have all the answers. The fact brought a little grin to my lips. "Questions for me? You should've sent a bird ahead! I would've worn my nice clothes."

A different boy, this one blond and kinda cute, stepped forward. The anger in his voice startled me. "This isn't a game, kid. We're on a mission."

I cocked my head to one side. "Your tone doesn't match your eyes, Pretty."

He opened his mouth angrily, then closed it again.

I squashed down the small feeling of triumph.

"Enough of this." The woman with pink hair stepped forward this time. "You live here?"

"Yes, I already said that." I rolled my eyes.

"So you're the kid who summoned the spider."

The non-question startled me into dropping my slingshot. "What?"

"Someone saw you. No, scratch that, multiple people saw you summon the spider." Pink hair crossed her arms. "Come down here and face us like you mean it."

I paused, thoughtful. "How did you know?" I spat.

She pursed her lips.

"Okay, fine! I'll come down!" I threw my hands up and scooted backward on the roof, standing and walking to the rope ladder hanging off the edge of the back. I scurried down it, leapt to the ground and took off at a dead sprint.

"Hey, get back here!"

I heard the shouts at my back and chuckled despite myself. They really should've known better than to trust me.

A whistle sliced through the air. "Don't hurt them!" Was the cry that followed.

I glanced over my shoulder, confused.

A blur flashed in my vision, and I didn't even have the chance to react, before a weight slammed into me. I sprawled, pinned to the ground.

Footsteps thundered up behind me as I struggled.

"Stay down," a voice warned as the weight eased off my shoulders.

"Good job, D." Someone else– sounded like Man-bun– spoke quietly.

I rolled over and sighed as a sword was promptly pointed at my throat. I raised my hands. "Okay, okay. I'm not gonna run away again." I groaned. "Please don't impale me."

"Okay, so, are you the spider summoner or not?" The girl who was wielding the sword asked roughly.

I glanced between the blade and the rest of the group, weighing the options. "Fine. Yes, I did summon the spider. But that was like, four months ago. Why are you only asking me this now? And how did you find me?"

"We've been looking. You're not easy to find." The boy who'd fought with a stick answered.

I frowned. "That's cryptic and unhelpful. Thank you. What do you want from me?"

"Ease up on the sword, Lucia." The team leader pulled her back a few steps. He towered over me, the shadow he created definitely not doing anything for my trust. "We're here because you're part of a prophecy."

I scoffed and sat up, feigning casualness by leaning back on my palms. "First, that's crazy. Why would I, of all people, be in a prophecy? And second, what is this prophecy for? Saving the world? From what? As far as I know, the Devourer is dead."

"Hey, we all thought the same things when we heard about the prophecy." Man-bun shrugged. "Give it a chance."

I made a face at him.

"As for what it's for, I think that whatever creature was in your house might be a part of it." Redhead added. "But we're not sure on the part, either."

"You don't even know for sure if I summoned the spider." I mentioned. "You're just gonna take my word for it?"

"Your word and that tattoo," Pink hair gestured to my right hand.

I followed the movement and cursed under my breath. There it was, stark against my skin. The tattoo of a spider. Of my spider. "Okay, so you got me." I threw my hands up in defeat. "The one time I forgot my gloves."

"So it's a yes?"

"What's a yes?"

"That you'll help us solve the prophecy–"

"And save Erdas, blah blah blah. Yes, I will." I rolled my eyes. "As soon as one of you helps me up."

Man-bun was quick to reach out and haul me to my feet. "Sorry about the whole 'chasing you down' thing," he apologized. "I'm Sasha."

I shrugged it off. "That's fine. You gotta do whatcha gotta do. I'm Skye."

"Well, welcome to the team, Skye." Sasha smiled.

"Yeah, let's hope I don't regret it." I mumbled.

meet skye! they are kind of a sarcastic little rat but that's ok it's fun to write
anyway, enjoy!! xx

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