Chapter One

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My phone was ringing incessantly. I was trying to ignore it. I already knew who was on the other line.

For one Saturday I wanted some peace before I said hello to the morning.

I put the pillow over my head and hoped for the ringing to stop. It didn’t.

“Ugh!” I groan into the pillow. I look at my bed table and see my phone happily ringing and vibrating away. The only picture at 5 o’clock in the morning that dances on my cell phone screen and stares at me, willing me to answer it. Bastian.

“Hello..” I yawn groggily as I answer the phone.

“Lola Lolita!” Are the first words out of his mouth. That only means one thing, he needs to confess.

I sit up in bed and prop as many pillows behind me as I can, this may take awhile.

“What happened?” I ask flatly as I squeeze my cell phone a little tighter, already knowing what he is about to explain in my ear.

“Well, in my defense she is a slut….” He began his explanation.

“Bastian..” I growled impatiently on the other end.

“Okay, okay. Sorry.” He coughed. “I did it…”

“Did what Bastian?” I already knew what was coming. He sighed. “Please tell me you didn’t..” I trailed off.

“I did..” he said defeated.

“Bast, we’ve talked about this..” I started

“I know, I know. I just couldn’t help myself. You know how it is. She flirts, I wink and..”

“You sleep with her. Ya, Ya, Ya.” I ended his sentence. I was so disappointed in him. “Bastian, she’s Jack’s girlfriend.” I tried to build a case for Jack.

“Ya but.” He tried to defend.

“No buts Bast, Jack is your brother. You’ve crossed a line.” I said flatly again. He was silent for at least a couple of minutes, I knew he was still on the line, I could hear him breathing.

“Lola…what am I going to do?” he asked. I think for once in my friendship with him, I could hear that he was feeling remorse. I sighed and twisted the sheets in my fingers.

“Well, let me sleep for one and we can talk about this later.” I conclude. I can already picture him smiling on the other end.

“You’re the best Lola!” he gushed on the other side. This is all he wanted to hear. “Oh..Lola?” he asked.

“Yes Bastian,” I answered skeptically.

“Is Ollie, Ollie Ox and Free going to be there?” he teased. Oliver, was the guy I was seeing at the moment.  I sighed dramatically.

“Well, you’ll just have to wait and see won’t you!” I said sharply and hung up on him. Seconds later Bastian sent me a text.

See you at noon! Then he finished with a face sticking it’s tongue out. I laughed. It was hard for me to stay mad at him.


I was sitting on my purple couch trying to read a book, but couldn’t because I was anticipating when Bastian would show up. I don’t know why after all these years I would get butterflies just waiting for him to appear.

Oliver insisted that either I was in love with Bastian or he was in love with me and we needed to get on with it already. He was more than ready to step aside if it made me happy. I however would argue that Oliver was delusional and that it wasn’t like that between me and Bastian.

The Boy I'd Always Love ***A Short Story****Where stories live. Discover now