Chapter 1

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This is my first story thing. I wrote it on the spot in playwriting class.... Read, comment, vote......all that jazz :)

Anna's POV

"Eric, Eric, Eric......" I sang softly while doodling. Suddenly I saw a shadow over my desk.....

"ANNA JACOBSON! What are you doing doodling in my class?!" Mrs. Edwards screamed standing over my desk.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Edwards.......I was.......uh....taking notes?" I said hopefully.

"I think not! DETENTION!" Mrs. Edwards yelled.

I sighed. Oh well, I guess now I have more time to think about.......Eric......but he'll never like me, he doesn't even see me.

"RRING!!!!!" The bell rang. I picked up my stuff to get up, but someone's foot was in my way and I fell throwing my books everywhere. The best part was that it was right it front of Eric, how wonderful. As I was picking up my books as Eric stepped over me.

"Well, I'm officially invisible." I mumbled to myself.

Eric's POV

I saw some girl drop her books, she was in my way so I stepped over her. As I was walking away, I whispered to my friends, "hey guys, watch this." I smiled walking back over to the girl.

Anna's POV

I saw Eric walking towards me. Omg omg omg!!! He's gonna help me isn't he!!! I saw his feet stop it front on me. I looked up smiling.

"Oh my god! Could you be anymore clumsy?! I mean come on you have like three books, no wonder no one knows who you are!"

Eric laughed and walked away. My smile quickly turned upside down. I can't believe he said that. I was shaking. I slowly stood up and walked out of the classroom as a single tear ran down my face. Out of the corner of my eye I saw someone watching, but I let it slip my mind.

Mystery POV

" That jackass! How can he act like that and still be the most popular guy in school! He treats everybody like shit!" I said to myself.

I stormed out of the room after seeing Anna crying. I threw my books in my locker and slammed it shut.

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