Chapter 2

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Anna's POV

I walked to my locker to put my books in it. I know Eric said those mean things, but he'll come around.......right? I was distracted by my BFF Emily screaming my name through the halls.

"ANNA! ANNA! Not you!" She knocked some poor freshman out of the way. "ANNA!" She yelled in my direction

I chuckled to myself and shut my locker door. She caught up to me while I was walking to lunch.

"Dude! Did you hear me yelling for you?" she asked slightly out of breath

"Em, everyone in the whole school heard you." I smirked.

We walked to the cafeteria and sat in our usual spot. I saw Eric out of the corner of my eye. I made eye contact with him for a split second. That was all it took. He pointed and laughed, making a fool of me once again. His friends joined in. Luckily Emily was there, she walked over and told them to shut up before she smacked them across the room.

"I don't know what you see in him. Seriously! He makes a fool of you everyday and-blah blah blah blah blah.........." I heard this rant everyday so there's no point in listening.

It's just, those eyes. That hair. His nose. His hair. Everything about him is so perfect. I am determined to make him notice me. To like me. To love me. I will take 100 detentions if that's what it takes. Speaking of detention, I have it after school. It's my third this week, hopefully my parents are working late again so they won't notice.

Eric's POV

Ugh! There's that lunatic girl again! Why won't she leave me alone? Have I not dropped enough hints for her to get the message, that I DO NOT LIKE HER. *sigh* oh well, it is entertaining to embarrass her all day. It's a hell of a lot better than the classes I'm taking. Her friend Emily seems decent though. Feisty.

"Earth to Eric!" Chris said

"Oh, sorry man!" I said

"Dude, that chick over there keeps staring at you." He said pointing in her direction.

Hmm....this could be fun. I made eye contact with her, just for a second though. I immediately started laughing and the guys caught along. She looked away embarrassed. Good, that should keep her away for lunch at least.

Mystery POV

There he goes again, making fun of Anna and she still daydreams over him. I've known Anna for all my life, but she's barely noticed me. On some level, I can relate to her being invisible to the one you love. Wait! Did I just say I love her? Do I?


Phew, saved by the bell.

Anna's POV

The bell rang. I look down and I've taken two bites of my sandwich. Great, going to AP human geography on an empty stomach. This should be fun.

"Here" Em shoved a granola bar and soda in my hands "I know how you get on an empty stomach" she said smirking and walked into study hall.

"Thanks em!" I don't know what I'd do without her.

"Yeah yeah! You know ya love me" she screamed back.

I took a deep breath and walked into the class. Yet another class with *sigh* Eric. There's pros and cons to this, I just have to quietly "observe" him without him noticing.....challenge accepted.

**********************************'s tell you the truth I kind of forgot about this........heh...heh....but I will definitely try to update more because I do enjoy writing this AND it's summer ie. more free time. So yeah, vote, comment, follow......all that jazz ;)

DaydreamerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon