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I was thrilled to see you again. I count the days til I think you might visit. It's a surprise. Like getting something from a loved on in the mail and finding out they sent it just because they thought of you, not because it was your birthday. Or any other reason.

You hugged your friendy hello. I love how you love. You're so warm. And you hugged me. The last time I saw you, you wouldn't even look at me. But this time I hugged you and your hand trailed down my back as we broke apart. It was definite touching and then when I thought you would have stepped away your hand found it's way to my bottom. My bottom is not large but there your hand was. Found safely in the minor areas of my Gluteus Maximus. Strange. The strangeness continued all evening. Even your wife mentioned it, but in an odd way, too. I haven't done anything other than be friendly. I never flirt or touch. Or linger. Or long.

Well,... I do. While you're not around. When I should be working. I think of how your laugh carries and you tease everyone and how you're almost like the sun giving individual attention to everyone. And it leaves me warm thinking how pleasant that truly is and how lovely you are.

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