Chapter 1

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"White! Stop zoning out!" Blue Diamond snapped. I don't know why I looked up when she said my name. She wasn't in charge. Quite the opposite.
"Seriously, she might as well fade out of existence.." Blue muttered as if I couldn't hear her.

"I'm sorry!" I apologized meekly. It never did anything.

"Don't worry, White. It's still your ball. You'll be fine!" Yellow Diamond assured me. I jumped up to peek over my throne at Pink Diamond.
The fact that she gets a huge throne while mine is tiny, it just aggravates me! Sure, I'm tiny! But, I'm the damn White Diamond.
She's a lower life form compared to me. Even her Pearl is off color but it used to be mine anyways. That's why I got a new one.

Suddenly, something exciting finally happened. Two of the dancing gems tripped, and when they caught each other, a glow emitted from their gems. Suddenly, in their place, there was a new gem- a fusion. Then, just like that, they were poofed, by Blue, like usual. Sure, I'd been on Homeworld for a mere hundred thousand years, but I knew Blue would eventually shatter those gems that stepped off her invisible line.
I made a mental oath not to never fuse in front of the other Diamonds if I was able to fuse.


A few hours after the ball, I went back to the playroom. The Diamonds had decided to have some new Diamonds be made for my playmates. A rare Rainbow Diamond and a Black Diamond.

"Does it really take this long for a Diamond to form? I took a solid two minutes." I muttered to myself. The Pebbles crawled around me like insects.

"My Diamond?" Pearl called. She used to belong to Pink Diamond, but now she was under my control, where she was happy. I looked up.

"Yes Pearl?" I replied calmly.

"The Diamonds require your presence." She explained, eagerly.

"Thank you Pearl."


"Starlight! Your new friends have formed." Pink said excitedly. She held something in her hand but used her other hand as a wall to block me from seeing it.

"Can I see? Can I see?" I chanted.

"Yes, of course." She chuckled. She lowered her hand to the ground and moved her other hand. The two Diamonds looked different than I expected.
Black Diamond looked like a knight or prince going through their emo phase. She looked more tired than an earthling that doesn't rest.
Rainbow Diamond was a mess. That's me trying to say the least. I didn't want to hurt her feelings.

"Hello! I'm Rainbow Diamond! You must be White Diamond! I've heard so much about you! How tall are you? Do you have a colony? What's your favorite non-diamond gem?"

"I don't know. Kind of. Hmm.. Obsidian."

"Whoa! Can you believe it, Black! A new friend!!" Rainbow exclaimed to the monochrome diamond. Black sighed.

"Sorry about her, she's crazy. I'm Black." Black Diamond apologized, shoving Rainbow back with her hand on the colorful Diamond's face. When her hand went back down, Rainbow's face had black marks.

"Why don't you show them your playroom, Starlight!" Blue suggested.

"Yes, my diamond!" I grinned.

"Go on, then darling!" Yellow encouraged. I grabbed both the smaller diamonds by their wrists and pulled them towards the playroom.

"I can't wait to see it!" Rainbow exclaimed optimistically. I smiled.

"Hopefully, it'll be good.. otherwise..." Black muttered. This was the negative comment I hated.

I sighed contently, as we arrived in the room.

"Welcome to the playroom!" I announced as Pebbles started crawling around.

"What are those gems on the floor?" Luna said.

"Pebbles!" I answered. "They're like the offspring of the failed Stone kindergarten."

"Failed?" Rainbow repeated. She seemed confused. It was easy to comprehend. Why couldn't she understand?

"Yes." I sighed. The Stones were basically oversized Pebbles, but way better. They were just deemed defective by the other Diamonds. I'd have kept them if I had the choice.

"Oh. That doesn't seem fair." She mumbled. "Were they shattered?" I shook my head. "Then let's go help them! Where are they?" Rainbow's skirt swished around her legs as she said this.

"Y-yeah!" Black stuttered. I agreed silently.

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