Submission For: TMC Affiliates Graphic Contest (Round 2)

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I literally cannot believe I actually made it into round two! I'm so excited! 

Here's the prompt:

SIZE : 512 × 800 (Wattpad cover) + banner 800× 300 (thanks for reading, etc)


SUBTITLE : The brightest and darkest hues of her life


THEME : your choice

GENRE : Romance / Teen Fiction /Fantasy / LGBTQ+ (you can choose any one of this)

AUTHOR : Teressa Silver ~ fictional name.

FACE CLAIM : None, it's completely up to you to use it.

DEADLINE : 12 August 11:59pm IST

The genre I chose for my cover and banner is, well, it could be either one. I made a pretty neutral set. This is my very first typography style cover, and I used Pixlr X for it. I'm pretty proud of the way it turned out! I went for colorful flowers to show the color, because the title is literally 'Tints and Shades'. The theme, is like floral? I don't know what you call this kind of theme, to be quite honest, but uh, here it is!



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Glacous: Graphic Design by -vxlentine-Where stories live. Discover now