Jesse's POV
I say "so, to our knowledge she doesn't know anything of whats happening other than what her brother told her, the kids had a slight idea previously, his siblings would've been thought of as accomplices by how much they know." Brynn nods saying "ok,, now we have to talk to his parents" writing shorthand of what I said down. I say "yeah, let's do it" yawning and I offer my hand, pulling him up and we go to another coffee shop to meet with his parents and I get coffee and we shake hands, them both introducing themselves, us doing the same. I say "so, what do you guys know of this case?" His mom says "one of our sons told us everything, what can you tell us?" I say "well, were looking at the murder of ten instead of five over this coming weekend, it's going to be able to be carried out, his wife is completely clueless to what's happening, she thought you were dead, sir and that all the money he had was inherited from you." He says "I always hated that kid, you gotta tell your wife shit even if you're killing people" and we chuckle and I say "his kids have a slight idea, his siblings know the most of what I've seen and everyone in the family we've talked to are extremely worried for their lives. We know a lot more but wed be here all day" and we chuckle. I say "were getting a list of people at some point that are being planned to be murdered" and his dad says "I was handed the list to hand to you" handing me a piece of paper" and I nod saying "thank you, we have more people to talk to now" handing it to Brynn saying "just hold onto it" and he nods. I say "I really like that you all are really on the same page, makes it easier for me" and they nod and she says "it makes everything easier when everyone knows their role and knows what's happening." I say "exactly, ok, were going to be at the party this weekend, we'll get him before he does anything to anyone, I know its hard having your kid put in prison but you're doing the right thing in saving ten lives" nodding. His dad says "yeah, we're getting to accepting it, you don't know what to feel, ya know?" I nod saying "yeah, I get it, it sucks but it won't hit you until you hear the judge say it in court, trust me I know. People I talk to for years working on a case are completely fine the whole time I work with them and ready for the person to be put away but they have their first breakdown during the whole process when the judge says sentenced to life. So, I try to tell people to be prepared for the worst when you go into the court room but you never know what's going to happen ya know?" They nod and the woman says "thank you for the advice, I'm sure it'll come in handy when the time comes" smiling and I nod and the guy says "whys this kid here anyway?" His wife hits his shoulder and I chuckle saying "he's my shadow, this is going to be his first rodeo this weekend. Basically my intern" and Brynn says "I'm not that low" and I say "I was kidding" chuckling and the wife says "he's the cutest thing ever, we'll see you guys this weekend" and they leave and I say "how'd that go for you?" Brynn says "I think I'm ready for this weekend" and I say "not quite" and we go back to the place of work and he just follows me to the basement and I say "how long were you in training for?" He says "twenty weeks like it says is the requirement" and I say "then we don't have to be down here, I don't have to do the point the gun at me thing and pretend to shoot me." He says "I might do that just cause I feel like it." I say "shut up" us chuckling and he says "why would you have to do that?" I say "people come in here, get the job without all the training and the Deputy just finishes it off in like a week" and he says "that's crazy that they'd get the job in the first place." I say "well, some couldn't afford to finish schooling and some just didn't, if they don't pass the final test then they have to go back to school if they want to come back" and he says "that makes sense I guess" and we chuckle. We go back to my office and I say "I have a question for you" and he says "I might have an answer for you" and I say "how the hell do you have time to braid your hair every morning?" He says "I've had long hair since sophomore year of high school, about ten years, I can do this to my hair in like not even ten minutes" shrugging. I say "I was just curious" and we chuckle and I say "what are you wearing this weekend?" He says "I'm surprising you, what are you wearing?" I say "if you surprise me then I'm not telling you" and he says "that's fair, I'll take it" shrugging and someone knocks on the door and I say "come in" and the Deputy opens it saying "how are you guys?" I say "I think were good" and Brynn nods and Deputy says "I want you guys to come by here Saturday before you go to this party just to check in." I say "ok, we can do that" nodding and he says "wonderful" looking at both of us then he leaves and Brynn says "man, I'm gonna have to pull a quick change in a car" and I say "come in here wearing whatever you want, they don't care to be fully honest with you. If its more than just the Deputy they'll start calling dibs on you, you'll be just fine" and we chuckle. He says "ok, I will" nodding and I say "I'm proud of you, you're doing great" and he blushes saying "thank you."

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