Two years later

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I wake up from the sound of a rooster, slowly I open my eyes and see the noise maker sitting in the open bedroom window. I groan and cover my head with the pillow, again the rooster cackles his lungs out. Out of frustration I get up.

"How did you even get here?" I sigh.

I pick up the rooster and look outside, the sun is shining bright and there are a couple of clouds in the sky. From my window I see the busy streets, I hear some noise from next door and my neighbour opens her bedroom window. She looks outside, a bit stressed.

"Morning Sarah." I say "Everything alright?"

"Oh good morning Dochor, have you seen our ro..." she stops mid sentence as she looks at me.

"Yup, right here" I say as I hold up the rooster. We laugh a bit.

"I'll meet you downstairs, okay" Sarah says

"I am on my way" I laugh

With the rooster under my arm and in the other hand a basket, I walk downstairs and open the front door. Sarah is already outside her house, standing in the open door frame. I walk towards her and give Sarah her rooster.

"I am so sorry Dochor, did he wake you? Sarah asks.

"Yeah he did, but no worries." I say "I had to go to the market anyway to pick up some stuff. Do you guys need anything?"

"Ummm..." Sarah turns around "Hon? Do we need anything from the market? Dochor asked."

Sarah her husband appears from the kitchen.

"Morning Finn" I say

"Morning Dochor" Says Finn "We could use some wheat flour and fresh cream" And he goes back to the kitchen.

"Hon!" Sarah yells.

Finn his head pops out from the kitchen "Thank you Dochor". His head disappears again.

"Sorry, he is not really a morning person." Sarah apologizes

"Oh don't worry about it" I say "I'll be back in a flash."

"Before you go, have you heard anything from Gundren?" Sarah asks.

"Nope." I say "He is gone for like three months now. You know how he is, that guy comes and goes."

"That is true." Sarah laughs a bit "But don't you feel lonely sometimes, you know, alone in his house?"

"Not at all!" I smile "Most of the time, I am not even here. To be honest, the only thing I do here is sleep and eat. Well I am off, see you guys later."

I put my hands behind my head and make my way to the market. As I make my way down the street, multiple good mornings head my way. In the distance I can see three children running towards me, as they come closer I can hear them screaming my name. I rescue their cat Biscuit almost every week out of a tree, they keep scaring it.

"Oh no..." I sigh

As they approach me one of the kids starts talking

"Where are you going Dochor?"

"Good morning" I say "It is not polite to not say hello first."

"Good morning!" The kids yell

"Better." I say

"So where are you going?" the oldest asks

"The market" I say.

"Can we come?" The youngest asks


"Please!" The kids yell together

"Okay, fine" I say as I roll my eyes

Dochor, The DragonbornWhere stories live. Discover now