Silent treatment

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   As soon as I unlocked the door Dana came in and shut the door behind me. I layed down on the bed and tossed a ball at the ceiling. Don't ask me were I got the ball because I don't know. Dana sat down next to me and started poking me.

" Talk to me. Talk to me. Talk to me. Talk to me. TALK TO ME ADRIANA. Please." begged Dana. Dam I was about to give in but no I can keep this on until tomorrow.

" Fine then. I'm staying here until you talk to me." said Dana while sitting on the ground crossing his legs. I waited at least an hour until I looked over and Dana was a sleep. Uhh now I felt bad. I got a pillow and a blanket and walked over to him. I lefted his head a little and put the pillow under. I un folded the blanket and carefully covered him with the blanket. I just stared at him for a little and bent down and kissed his cheek. He smiled and mumbled something like Adriana or at least thats what it sounde like. I chuckled and made my way back to bed.

  In the morning I was woken up by people whispering. Then someone jumped on the bed and pinned me to the bed.

" Adriana are you still giving me the silent treatment ?" asked Dana. All I did was attempt to get out of his grip but failed every time.

" I'm not letting you go until you talk to me. So are you going to talk to me ?" asked Dana. I shook my head no and smirked at Dana.

"I didn't want to do this the hard way but I have to." said Dana. I gave him a confused look and he lifted me on to his shoulders and started running around the house. I hit his back but he still didn't let go of me. So I bit his shoulder.

" OWW, That hurt." said Dana while letting go of me and rubbing his shoulder. As soon as he let go I ran for it. I looked around and went into a random room and locked it. I heard footsteps and then there was knocking at the door.

" Adriana, You do know thats my room." said Dana. I can already imagine him smirking at me.

" If I knew you think I would be in here." I said to Dana.

" YES, I finally heard your beautiful voice." said Dana. I blushed and unlocked the door. Dana came in and hugged me.

" Why'd you hug me ?" I asked Dana.

" Because you finally talked to me and I missed your voice." said Dana. I nodded and started walking away.

" By the way I'm sorry about what happened to your ankle." said Dana,

" No biggy. " I reassured him.

" I have something for you." said Dana. I gave him a confused look and he opened his closet and gave me my big stuffed bear.

" OH MY GOSH ! Where was it at ." I said while going to Dana and hugging him.

" You left it back home. My mom mailed it. It arrived yesterday while we were on our date." said Dana. I nodded and hugged the big teddy bear.

" Oh, and we still have to finish that date." said Dana.

" Ok, You name it I'll be there." I said while dragging my big teddy bear to my room. I sat on my bed and thought about what to do.

" Oh and Adriana we're going to an interview later and your coming with us." said Dana who was in my door way.

" Okay." I said while sitting on the ground in front of my big teddy bear. I saw something flash and realized that Dana had taken a picture.

" NO DANA." I said while getting up and chasing him to his room.

" TO LATE." yelled Dana while closing the door and locking it.

" What are you going to do with that picture ?" I asked Dana. I waited but no response. I felt a buzz in my butt pocket and laughed before reaching out and getting it. I checked what it was and it was a new mention. I checked it and it was the picture of me that Dana put on his twitter. I read the caption and it said Look at Adriana and her teddy bear I won her. Isn't she cute #A-Bear.

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