Finally !!!!!!

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" Wake up !!!!" said someone while shoving me.

" NEVER !!" I said while covering myself with my blankets.

" Fine then I guess no kiss." said Dana.

" Uhhhhhh Fine I'm up I'm up !" I said while I lazily got up and went into my bathroom and washed my face and teeth. I went into my room and changed into some gym shorts and a baggy t-shirt along with some all black supras. I put my hair up in a pony tail and went down stairs we're I saw the boys sitting on the table and Alyssa was sitting on the island.

" Water you guys waiting for ?" I asked.

" We want food and we were wondering if you could make us some please ?" said Will. I grunted and nodded.

" And why couldn't you make them breakfast ?" I asked Alyssa.

" If I tried to I'd probaly end up burning the house down..... Do you want that to happen ?" asked Alyssa.

" Uhhhh fine !" I said while I went over and started pulling out the ingridents to make choclate chip pancakes.

" Oh Oh Can you make my pancakes into a penguin shape ??" asked Dana.

" Uhhhh..... I'll try !" I said.

" Oh I want mine shaped like a little doggy !" said Alyssa.

" Any more request ?" I asked. BAD IDEA.

" Oh do mine shaped like a tiger." said Will.

" I want mine shaped like Batman !!!" said Gabe.

" Oh I want mine shaped like a koala !!" said Cole. Oh gahd this is going to be really hard.

" Okay let me see how I'm going to do this...." I said. Okay its been 30 minutes and I got all the pancakes done.

" Okay here's yours Dana !" I said as I handed him his pancake.

" OH MY GOSH !!!!! I HAVE THE BEST GIRLFRIEND EVER !!!! " said Dana while kissing my cheek and pulling out his phone and taking a picture. Everyone else did the same.

" You guys are so weird." I said while I sat down and started to munch on a pancake when Dalton came in.

" Hey dolphin !!!" I said while I handed him his pancake that was shaped like...... of course a dolphin.

" Holy crap this is amazing !!!" said Dalton while we all started eating.

" So what are todays plans ?" I asked as I was sitting on Dana's lap.

" Okay , First you have to go get your cast off. Then Will, Gabe, and Dalton have to go record some stuff so I was wondering if maybe Cole, Alyssa and us could go on a double date at Six Flags. Is that cool ?" asked Dana.

" OF COURSE !!!!" I said while I got up off Dana's lap and went upstairs. I grabbed a bag and shoved clothes in there. I put my phone and money in there and went down stairs.

" LEGGO !!!" I said while I grabbed Dana and off we were to where ever they remove cast at.

" Wait why are we at the hospitial !?! " I asked a bit nervous.

" This is where they're goign to remove your cast." said Dana while we started walking up to the hospitial.

" I hate the hospitial ." I whispered to myself as we walked in. Eww it smells like old people and medicine. We walked up tot he front desk. Dana started talking some lady and then we staretd walking.

" Where we going ?" I asked.

" To London." said Dana sarcasticaly.

" No need to be so dam sarcastic." I said while starting to walk faster.

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