Everything About You Video

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I woke up the next morning because Cole was shouting out something.

" EVERYONE NEEDS TO GO GET DRESSED NOW !" yelled Cole. I grunted and looked at him very cold.

" Why ?" I asked sleepily.

" We were suppose to meet up with Eben to shoot our new video !" said Cole. I still didn't get the point of me going but I got up and went upstairs and put on a random t-shirt that I could find and put my red jordans on. I combed my hair and headed down stairs. I couldn't find anyone so I headed outside and saw everyone already in the car.

" Thanks for waiting for me." I said while going to sit next to Dana.

" We're in a hurry lady !" said Cole.

" Okay calm down." I said to Cole.

" Well get there on time. You just need to chill." said Will.

" CHILL ! There's no time to ch-" Cole was saying but I cut him off by slapping him.

" OWWW ! THAT HURT !" yelled Cole.

" Listen to me CHILL !" I yelled at him.

" Fine." said Cole while he slumped in his seat and pouted.

" Is that Dana's shirt ?" asked Dalton.

" What No." I said while I looked down and realized it was Dana's shirt because I don't have a YOLO shirt. I blushed and covered myself.

" No need to be embarresed you look cute in it." said Dana while he pushed some hair behind my ear.

" What was shirt doing in my room anyways ?" I asked Dana.

" Don't know ." said Dana.

" Hmm Okay." I said while the car stopped. We all got out and we were in this neighboorhood.

" Is this where the video is ?" asked Dalton.

" Yeah I guess. EVeryones here the crew and the girls." said Will. 

" Hey boys !" said this man that was talking to a group of girls.

" Hey Eben !" said all the boys in union.

" Okay these are the girls that each of you will be with." said Eben while 5 girls with a lot of makeup and really short shorts and small shirts.

" Hey boys I'm Alyssa. That's Catilyn, Jasmine, Erissa, and Camey." said Alyssa while coming really close to all the boys.

" Hi girls." said Cole.

" Okay well why are you guys here ?" asked Will.

" Well Eben said that in the video you guys each have a girl so here we are." said Catilyn.

" Uhh Well I don't need a girl I have Adriana." said Dana while wrapping his arms around me. They all scoffed at me and rolled there eyes and walked away. 

" It's okay Dana go with the other girls I am not gonna be in the video !" I said to him. How could I anyways. They were all really pretty and then there's me. And I had a cast so that wasn't going to happen.

" NO ! If you aren't gonna be in the video then I refuse to be with any girl !" said Dana. He pouted and  sat down on the street criss crossed.

" Why is Dana on the ground ?" asked Eben as he came back.

" He refuses to be with any girl in the video because he has Adriana." said Cole.

" Fine Dana you don't have to be with anyone." said Eben.

" Yaaay !" said Dana whilejumping up and kissing my cheek.

" You guys are such a cute couple !" said Eben. I blushed as Eben walked away with the boys. I walked around the set. It was like a neighboorhood. I walked to the back of the house were everything was being filmed. There was a bunch of girls. They all gave me dirty looks. Dang what did I do to them. I walked away a little uncomftorable. I saw the boys all getting dressed. I smiled as I just watched behind the camera. Lets just say that they kept messing up because Dana would smile at me. And he wasn't suppose to. 

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