The Battle

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Tikki Spots ON!!! Yeah! I jumped out the window and saw that hawkmoth was no longer there and neither was Cat Noir. " they have to be somewhere" I thought I jumped from buildings to building looking for my partner and enemy. Plagg claws off! I heard as I was looking for cat noir. I looked down and saw beautiful blonde hair which I knew was Cat Noirs and beside him eating Camenbert cheese was Plagg the Kwami. I shut my eyes for I was not supposed to know who Cat Noir was and I yelled " hey Cat you good it's me ladybug" he replied with " yeah but I am a little tired out from fighting Hawkmoth by myself for the past 30 minutes" " sorry Chat but at least you defeated Hawkmoth " I said feeling pride in my partner
" wait I never said that said Cat noir retransforming and jumping up to where I was. " I failed m'lady And now he is coming after us but with Mayura by his side. I heard a loud thump and turned around seeing Hawkmoth and Mayura. " look what we have here" creeped Hawkmoth I could feel that Chat wanted to say a joke but he knew that it was not the time for this may be a thought battle maybe even the toughest.

We began to fight jumping from building to building when when I heard Cat about use his cataclysm but I wasn't sure what on. I had turned around to see that Cat Noir had cataclysmed Mayura and she turned into ash. Hawkmoth and Mayura were really close because Hawkmoth got even more mad then usual and threw Cat Noir off of a building " You PESKY CAT!" He yelled turning to me. Now that Cat is gone it left me with Hawkmoth it all depended on me. " LuCky CHARM! I yelled but what I got didn't help because Hawkmoth took it from me and dropped it from the building into a kids own hands and he ran away with it screaming " mommy look What I found!" I heard " ding ding ding ding" and I noticed that my beautiful ladybug earrings were blinking hinting that I was about to transform into Marinette and that Hawkmoth would know my Identidy. I gave Hawkmoth a good kick and spun him around to make him dizzy and I turned around and leaped off of the building almost touching the ground when I felt a band of a cane on my head and only saw blackness.

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